A painting by Pablo Picasso and a sculpture by Alberto Giacometti have set new records as the most expensive works ever sold at auction, underscoring rising demand for Impressionist and modern art.
帕布罗•毕加索(Pablo Picasso)的一幅画作和阿尔伯特•贾柯梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti)的一个雕塑作品创下了拍卖史上最昂贵艺术品的新纪录,凸显出人们对印象派作品及现代艺术作品的需求日益增长。
Picasso’s “Les Femmes d’Alger (Version O)” sold for $179.4m on Monday night at Christie’s in New York, while Giacometti’s life-size “L’homme au doigt” sold for $141.3m. The buyers elected to remain anonymous.
周一晚上,毕加索的作品《阿尔及尔的女人(0)版》(Les Femmes d’Alger (Version O))在纽约佳士得(Christie's)拍卖行拍出了1.794亿美元的天价。与此同时,贾科梅蒂真人大小的作品《指示者》(L'homme au doigt)则拍出了1.413亿美元的天价。两宗交易的买方选择不公开自己的姓名。
Prices and demand for art works have been soaring to new heights, driven in large part by the growing ranks of wealthy collectors across the world, especially in Asia, mainly led by a new breed of ultra-wealthy Chinese.
“We have entered a new era of the art market where collectors from all parts of the world compete for the very best across categories, generating record prices at levels we have never seen before,” said Jussi Pylkkänen, the sale’s auctioneer.
这次交易的拍卖商尤西•皮尔卡宁(Jussi Pylkkänen)表示:“我们已进入艺术品市场的新时代。全球的收藏家在竞拍各个门类的最佳艺术品,而且这类竞拍催生了过去从未见过的创纪录价格。”
Last week an unidentified Asian collector paid $66.3m for Van Gogh’s “L’Allée des Alyscamps”, painted in 1888 shortly before the Dutch artist sliced off his ear, at rival Sotheby’s spring auction of Impressionist and modern art.
上周,一位未公开身份的亚洲收藏家,在佳士得的对手苏富比(Sotheby's)印象派及现代艺术春季拍卖会上,斥资6630万美元拍得梵高(Van Gogh)的《阿里斯康道路》(L’Allée des Alyscamps)。该画作绘于1888年,就在这位荷兰艺术家割去自己耳朵不久之前。
That auction raised $368.3m, achieving the second-highest result in Sotheby’s history for any sale of similar works.
In total Christie’s sale on Monday evening, entitled “Looking Forward to the Past”, reaped $705.9m.
在周一晚上这场名为《展望过去》(Looking Forward to the Past)的拍卖会上,佳士得总计收获了7.059亿美元。
Previously the most expensive work sold at auction was Francis Bacon’s 1969 triptych “Three Studies of Lucian Freud”, which sold for $142.4m at Christie’s in November 2013.
在此之前,拍卖会上出售的史上最昂贵艺术品,是弗朗西斯•培根(Francis Bacon)在1969年创作的三联画《弗洛伊德肖像画习作》(Three Studies of Lucian Freud)。该作品于2013年11月在佳士得拍出1.424亿美元的价格。
“Les Femmes d’Alger (Version O)” was painted in 1955 and was once owned by the celebrated American collectors Victor and Sally Ganz. The vibrantly hued painting depicts several nude or scantily clad women and was the final work a 15-part series in which Picasso drew inspiration from French master Eugène Delacroix.
《阿尔及尔的女人(0)版》创作于1955年,曾一度由著名美国收藏家甘孜夫妇(Victor & Sally Ganz)持有。这一画作色泽明快,主题是几名一丝不挂或不着片缕的女性,它是一个15幅画作组成的系列作品中的最后一幅。毕加索创作这个系列的灵感,来自法国绘画大师欧仁•德拉克罗瓦(Eugène Delacroix)。
Giacometti’s “L’homme au doigt” depicts a 5ft 9in skinny figure in bronze, and has been in the same private collection for 45 years.
Among other highlights at Christie’s were works by Andy Warhol, René Magritte and Marcel Duchamp. Another Picasso work, “Buste de femme (Femme à la résille)” dating from 1938, fetched $67.4m.
佳士得拍卖会的其他亮点还包括安迪•沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)、勒内•马格利特(René Magritte)及马塞尔•杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)的作品。毕加索作于1938年的另一作品《女人半身像(戴发网的女人)》Buste de femme(Femme à la Résille)则拍出了6740万美元的价格。