3.Retail Outlets Use Snobby Staffers to Influence You to Buy
A pleasant shopping experience isn't always the best way to get people to make a purchase according to some luxury brands. In fact, being rude to customers can actually increase sales, according to research results shared by the University of British Columbia. Originally published in the Journal of Consumer Research, the study was called "Should the Devil Sell Prada? Retail Rejection Increases Aspiring Consumers' Desire for the Brand," and it showed that ignoring customers or treating them rudely could actually make them spend more money. It's hard to believe that treating anyone rudely would have a positive effect on sales, but there are some conditions that stores have to follow to make this practice a success.
For example, the store must present salespeople who accurately represent the brand cultivated by the store. A company selling luxury clothing would need to utilize employees dressed like what a customer would assume someone would look like when purchasing the company's products. In the movie "Pretty Woman," Julia Roberts' character is treated rudely by a salesperson in a Beverly Hills store who believes she can't afford to shop for expensive clothing. The movie features Roberts heading to another store to buy loads of expensive clothes only to return to the snobby store and rub their noses in it.
If this occurred in the real world, the aforementioned study means that a slighted customer could actually be inspired to make purchases at the very store where they were treated badly. To an onlooker, this series of events makes absolutely no sense, but the psychology of shopping and spending money apparently means that a pleasant buying experience isn't always the best way to get someone to buy something.
2.Architects Carefully Construct a Buying Environment
It's not just the packaging and brand design that lures you into a store to buy things. Today's savvy marketers use absolutely every tool at their disposal to convince you to make purchases which means using every sense you have, including your subconscious, to make you stay in the store longer and buy things. One fascinating example of this technique is described in a blog about sales methods that describe how real estate agents will use freshly baked goods to improve the impression a buyer might form about a home.
Some retail stores are actually scenting their display racks to smell like citrus and flowers because research suggests those scents will wake you up and encourage you to stroll around the store longer and make more purchases. Further, marketers are also using your sense of sight by creating signs in colors meant to make you feel a certain way. For example, a sign in red might convince you to take part in a sale because of the sense of urgency conveyed by the color red. Retailers even try to make you feel comfortable and willing to negotiate by making the environment more comfortable.
A car dealership might provide comfortable chairs that will reduce your enthusiasm for driving a hard bargain. Mega retailer Apple directs its employees to leave the notebooks slightly closed to encourage customers to touch and manipulate the computers. Adding touch to the shopping process adds another layer to the traditional shopping environment and increases the likelihood of a purchase. Further, stores also provide music designed to augment their sales efforts. It's why you always hear slow music in supermarkets and up-tempo music in fast food restaurants. Music influences your behavior, just like the things you touch and see in a retail environment.
1.Advertisers Use Special Language to Make You Think You're Getting a Deal
Finding a bargain or sale is exciting for any shopper no matter their socioeconomic status, but the sale you find at your local grocery store isn't always an actual sale. Sometimes it's just flowery language designed to make you think that buying in bulk will save you significant cash. The really sneaky part about these "bargains" is that they don't always save you money, and they encourage you to buy more to take advantage of that imaginary sale. For example, you might see a sale that says "10 for $10," which makes you think it's time to load the cart up with whatever's on sale.
What the majority of shoppers don't realize, however, is that you don't actually have to buy 10 of an item to get them for $1 each. If you look closely, the store will usually print the phrase, "must buy 10″ if you actually need to buy the number suggested on the price tag. Retail stores use similar pricing tomfoolery by dropping the dollar sign on prices to make you think something doesn't cost as much as it does. Research published by Cornell's Center for Hospitality Research reveals price formatting impacts sales in restaurants.
然而,大部分顾客都没有考虑过是否真的需要买这么多。若你要参与"十件十元"的活动,那么你仔细看价格标签就会发现,商家通常都会在上面注明"10份起售"。店家会跟顾客玩起无聊的定价游戏,他们刻意把货币符号标在价格牌上极不显眼的位置,让顾客觉得这件商品很实惠。康奈尔酒店研究中心(Cornell's Center for Hospitality Research)发布的一项研究显示,酒店价格格式设计也会影响顾客消费。
By using a number only to denote price rather than a number with a dollar sign, restaurants saw a significant jump in the amount of money customers spent. The style has been adopted by many high-end restaurants, and the typographical choice has been seen as a stylistic decision by many customers. However, the true reason for the modification is due to the subconscious decision by customers to spend more. It's pretty incredible that such a small change would encourage increased spending by customers, but that's just one of the reasons advertisers and marketers are so good at what they do.
Whether you want to admit it or not, you're being manipulated by companies every time you look at an advertisement, listen to a commercial, or walk into a retail store. You're even being influenced whenever you surf a website or scan a magazine. The advertising industry is smart because it bases its methods of scientific research and evidence. One professor from Harvard Business School says 95% of a buyer's purchasing decision comes from the subconscious. So, it's not just the artistry of the graphic designers, and the jingles thought up by songwriters that get you to buy more.
不管承认与否,每次看到广告片、听到广告宣传或者进入商店,实际上你的心理已被商家所左右了,在网上逛购物网站、看杂志也不例外。现在的广告业有科学的研究和数据做基础,几乎无缝不钻。哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的一位教授称顾客95%的消费行为都是受潜意识驱使。因此,也并非真是休闲的购物环境或音乐影响你的行为,潜意识才是驱动你的最大因素。
Advertisers use every sense you have, as well as your incredibly malleable subconscious to convince you to buy things, and they're very successful at what they do. Even with the knowledge of how advertisers work their magic, it's hard to resist being influenced by your subconscious. The next time you stroll through a grocery store, will the ambient music, special lighting, and product displays win you over?
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