2. Progress of Chinese Movies
After the founding of New China, the movie industry developed rapidly. Ten movie studios were set up. They are the Beijing, Shanghai, Changchun, August first, Pearl River, E'mail, Xi'an, Nangning, Wulumuqi, and Huhehaote Studios. From 1949 to 1966, more than six hundered movies of the 1950's, The White-Haired Girl, Reconnaissance Across the Changjiang, Steeled Fighters and Dong Cunrui had a strong social impact. The following movies The Song of Youth, The Storm and Lin Zexu Which showed that Chinese movies had reached a new level. Movies produced in the early 1960's were more mature ideologically and artistically. Representatives of the period were The Naval Battle of 1894, The Lin Family's Shop, and Threshold of Spring.
建国后中时事业迅速发展起来北京上海陈、八一珠江帆西安、南宁、乌鲁木齐和呼和浩特10大电影制片厂相继成立。 1949年到1966年间,创作了 600余部电影。 20世纪 50年代期间制作的《白毛女》、《渡江侦察记》、《钢铁战士》、《董存瑞》引起了社会的极大反响。《青春之歌》、《风暴》、《林则徐》等电影的出版发行标志着中国电影制作发展到了一个新的水平。 60年代早期的电影其意识形态更成熟和艺术价值更高。代表作品有《甲午风云》、《林家铺子》、《早春二月》。
From 1966 to 1976 only a small number of movies had been made in that decade. After 1976 movie production started to flourish again. From 1976 to 1980 more than two hundred and fifty feature movies were made. They covered a wide range of themes and varied in style of presentation. In September of 1987, the first China Movie Show was held in Beijing . It was presented by over one hundred movie historians, critics,and distributors from 48 countries. Among those who spoke highly of Chinese movies were Gregory Peck, the American movie star; Regis Bergeron, the French movie historian; and Rubanoy, the Soviet movie critic. They all agreed that China's movie Industry had entered a mature stage.
从1966年到 1976年这10年间,只创作出少量电影。 1976年后,电影创作再次走向繁荣。 1976年到 1980年,制作了 250余部电影,并且题材广泛,主题多样。1987年9月,北京举办了第一届影展。来自48个不同国家地区的上百位电影史学家、评论家及发行人出席了此次影展。美国影星格利高里·派克、法国电影史学家瑞吉伯杰和苏联电影评论家茹伯诺对中国电影给予了高度评价。他们都认为中国的电影业已经进入一个成熟的阶段。
In recent years Chinese movies have been presented in many international movie festivals and have made a strong impression on foreign audiences and movie-makers. Since 1981, more than one hundred movies have been awarded prizes in international competitions. Among them, The Yellow Earth won the 1985 British Movie Institute (BFI) award for the most original and imaginative movie; Old Well scooped the Tokyo Grand Prix and another two awards at the Second Tokyo International Movie Festival in October, 1987; Red Sorghum won the Gold Bear prize at the Thirty-eighth International Movie Festival in West Berlin in 1988; The Year of Bad Luck received the Silver Bear prize at the Fortieth International Movie Festival in Berlin in 1990.
近年来,中国电影参加了许多国际电影节,给众多的国外观众和制片人留下了深刻印象。 1981年以来,超过过百部的电影在国际大赛中获奖。其中1985年的《黄土地》被英国电影协会誉为最佳原创和想象电影;{老井》获得了东京大奖并在 1987年 10月的第二届东京国际电影节获得了两个奖项 ;1988年《红高粱》获得了第38届柏林国际电影节金熊奖;{本命年》于1990年的柏林第40届国际电影节获得银熊奖。
Chinese cartoon movies have received attention both at home and abroad with interesting and healthy contents and distinctly Chinese Style. They are usually bαsed on traditional paintings, folk art, and local opera. In some cartoon movies, traditional Chinese ink-wash painting has been reproduced on the screen. From 1981 to 1988, 29 cartoon movies had won prizes at international movies festivals. Great achievements have also been made in the production of scientific and educational movies.
中国动画片同样也受到了国内外的普遍关注。这些动画片通常以中国传统绘画、民间艺术和地方戏为基础,内容有趣、健康且具有中国特色。一些影片制作中采用了中国水墨画艺术,使中国的传统水墨画在荧屏上得到了再生。 1981年到 1988年间, 29部卡通电影在国际电影展中赢得了大奖。科教电影也是硕果累累。