日期:2015-03-17 13:39


An Ebola aid worker from the United States and another from Britain have been infected with the deadly virus in Sierra Leone, health officials said Thursday, a reminder that the epidemic that has ravaged West Africa for the past year is far from over.

The National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., said the American, who was not identified, became infected while working at a treatment center and had been ordered flown back to the United States in isolation in a chartered plane.
位于马里兰州贝塞斯达的美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health,简称NIH)表示,那名美国人是在一家治疗中心工作期间被感染的,而且已有一架包机奉命将该人接回美国进行隔离。NIH并未透露这名感染者的身份。
The worker will be admitted Friday to the hospital at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, the institute said in a statement.
The N.I.H. hospital has treated one other Ebola patient: Nina Pham, a nurse infected while caring for a Liberian patient in Dallas. She recovered. Two other health workers with possible exposure to the virus were also treated at N.I.H., but turned out not to be infected.
NIH的医院治疗过另一名埃博拉患者,在护理达拉斯的一名利比里亚患者期间,受到感染的护士妮娜·范(Nina Pham)。她康复了。另外两名可能接触过该病毒的医护人员也在NIH接受过治疗,但后来证明均未被感染。
Emory University Hospital in Atlanta and Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha have also successfully treated American health workers who were infected in Africa and flown back to the United States.
亚特兰大埃默里大学医院(Emory University Hospital)和奥马哈的内布拉斯加大学医学中心(University of Nebraska Medical Center)也成功治愈了几名在非洲感染后回国的美国医务人员。
Earlier Thursday, British officials said a Royal Air Force plane left Sierra Leone carrying three British military health workers, of whom one has tested positive for Ebola. The other two were under observation for signs of infection, officials said.
周四早些时候,英国官员称,英国皇家空军(Royal Air Force)的一架飞机已经带着英国军方的三名医护人员离开塞拉利昂。他们中有一人在埃博拉病毒检测中呈阳性。官员们称,另外两人正在被观察是否有受感染的迹象。
All three will be taken to the Royal Free Hospital in northwest London, which has a specialized isolation unit to treat Ebola patients. Two nurses, the only other Britons who have contracted the virus, survived infection last year after being treated at the hospital.
三人都将被送到伦敦西北部的皇家自由医院(Royal Free Hospital),该院拥有救治埃博拉病人的专用隔离单元。去年,另外两名感染过埃博拉病毒的英国人——两名护士——曾在这家医院接受治疗并康复。
Up to 700 British military personnel have been deployed in Sierra Leone to help combat Ebola.
The World Health Organization said Thursday that the number of deaths in the Ebola epidemic that has afflicted Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone had surpassed 10,000.
世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)周四称,在肆虐几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂的埃博拉疫情中,已有超过1万人死亡。
While the number of new cases has fallen drastically in all three countries in recent months — and reached zero in Liberia last week — the transmission of the disease has been a resilient problem in the other two.
