从Esprit创始人到Tory Burch 创业夫妻为何多以离婚收场
日期:2015-01-25 14:54


Managing a company with your mate is not easy. If the business is struggling, that can damage your relationship. If the relationship is struggling, that can damage the business. And even if the company is thriving, the marriage can fall apart – in an ugly way.
That was underscored with the latest chapter in the sad saga of Tory and Chris Burch. In 2004, the then-married couple founded Tory Burch. And while it grew into a global fashion brand, its two founders divorced – and at one point, became competitors.
托里o伯奇和克里斯的悲剧故事便印证了这一点。2004年,这对夫妻创立了Tory Burch公司。等到这家公司终于发展成全球知名的时尚品牌,两位创始人却离婚了,而且成了竞争对手。

After the fact, it may be easy to spot the signs of trouble in the relationship or business (or both). But usually, couples who run companies together are figuring it out as they go along. The key to success: Setting clear boundaries between work and home, and communicating openly when there’s a problem. “Be really explicit [about] what’s allowed to spill over and what’s not,” says Nancy Rothbard, Professor of Management at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Here are seven famous examples of brands created by couples – and what happened after.
Kate and Andy Spade
Kate wasn’t even officially a Spade when she and then-fiancé Andy nationally launched their iconic handbag line, Kate Spade, in 1993. In 1996, Andy left his full-time job and the next year, the couple sold their first men’s bag in their new line, Jack Spade. In 1999, the couple sold a 56% stake to Neiman Marcus for $33.6 million.
1993年,凯特与她的未婚夫安迪o斯派德共同推出了手提包品牌Kate Spade,当时二人还未正式结婚。1996年,安迪辞去了他的全职工作,次年二人正式开卖他们的首款男包品牌Jack Spade。1999年,二人以3360万美元的价格,将公司56%的股权卖给了内曼马库斯公司。
Telling quote:"I think what we made the mistake of doing early on was taking every opportunity alone to talk about the business, at dinner, driving the car, you know at home brushing your teeth, as you're getting into bed, as you're waking up, and I think we made a conscious effort to not do that because I think it was just, you know, it would burn us out," Kate told CNN in 2002.
The upshot:In 2006, when the company was pulling in $84 million in sales, they sold to Liz Claiborne, now renamed Kate Spade & Company KATE . They worked at the brand until 2007. After leaving, Andy went on to open Partners & Spade, a New York City-based branding firm, while Kate became an at-home mom.
结局:2006年,该公司获得8400万美元的销售额,同年他们将公司卖给了丽诗加邦,现更名为Kate Spade & Company。他们在该品牌工作至2007年。离开公司后,安迪又在纽约开了一家名叫Partners & Spade的品牌营销公司,而凯特则成了一名全职妈妈。
Doug Tompkins and Susie Tompkins Buell
Though founded by Susie Tompkins Buell and a friend in San Francisco in 1968 under a different name, Esprit 330 was soon also led by her husband Doug, after he sold his own clothing company, North Face. The once-successful line and the marriage both began having serious troubles in the mid-1980s, chronicled by SF Weekly. While the couple divorced in 1989, the business’ drama took years to unfold. One minute Doug was leading the company, the next Susie.
1968年,苏西o汤普金斯o布埃尔与她的一个朋友在旧金山创立了Esprit公司的前身,当时这家公司还不叫这个名字。不久后,随着苏西的丈夫道格卖掉了自己的服装公司North Face,他也加入了Esprit的领导层。从80年代中期开始,他们的婚姻以及这家一度非常红火的公司都陷入了严重的麻烦。二人于1989年离婚后,公司的“宫斗”戏还上演了好几年。前一分钟是道格领导公司,下一分钟就换成了苏西。
Telling quote:"Both Doug and Susie had very strong visions, but some of the synergy had fallen away, so it did make it more difficult," a former employee told SF Weekly. "It was more difficult because people knew there was internal conflict."
The upshot:Lawsuits and takeovers moved faster than the products. These days, the publicly traded Esprit Holdings is based in Hong Kong and Germany, and in 2011, the company said in a filing, "The brand has gradually lost its soul over the past few years."
Burt Shavitz and Roxanne Quimby
Originally a photographer, Burt Shavitz started beekeeping and selling his honey after leaving New York City for upstate in 1970. But it wasn’t until he picked up then-hitchhiker Roxanne Quimby in 1984 that the business really took off. By 1993, the company had $3 million in sales, but the couple's relationship – business and personal – dissolved when Roxanne caught him in an affair.
Telling quote:Burt told The Daily Beast in 2013 that when Quimby discovered his affair, she played hardball. “She consulted a lawyer and put the paper on a desk and said, ‘There! Take it or leave it!” I had no one to turn to for guidance, so I signed it. I went one way and she went another."
The upshot:He ended up selling his one-third share of the company for 50 acres of land and a home, worth only $130,000, according to The New York Times. In 2000, AEA Investors bought 80 percent of the company, paying Quimby $141.6 million, making Shavitz’s share, had he still owned it, worth about $59 million, according to theTimes. Shavitz, the report said, was able to get $4 million more from Quimby and still gets paid an undisclosed sum each year for the use of his image. In 2007, Burt's Bees was bought by the Clorox Company CLX .
结局:据《纽约时报》报道,伯特最终卖掉了三分之一的公司股权,换来了50英亩土地和一幢房子,价值仅有13万美元。2000年,安盈投资公司支付昆比1.416亿美元,购买了公司80%的股权。也就是说伯特如果依然拥有股份的话,他所持股权的价值将达到5900万美元。该报纸还称,伯特还可以从昆比那里获得400多万美元,每年还可以获得一笔数额不明的款项,让公司得以继续使用他的肖像权。2007年,Burt’s Bees公司被高乐氏公司收购。
Andrew and Peggy Cherng
If any restaurant chain embodies the American dream, it’s Chinese chain Panda Express. Co-CEOs Andrew and Peggy Cherng immigrated to the U.S. (he from China and she from Burma), met in college, got married, and became billionaires. Their empire started in 1973, when Andrew opened the Panda Inn with $60,000 of savings, a small business loan, and free labor from family members.
In 1975, the two wed, and when Andrew opened his second restaurant in 1982, Peggy left her engineering job and joined the business.
Telling quote:In 2013, Peggy told Fortune, "We had to learn how to resolve business disagreements. It’s not 'Your way is best' or 'My way is best,' but the alternative way — which incorporates everybody’s ideas — is best."
The upshot:The privately-held company had $2.2 billion in revenue last year, according to the Los Angeles Times.

  • unfoldv. 展开,开放,显露
  • undisclosedadj. 未泄露的;身分不明的;保持秘密的
  • alternativeadj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的 n. 替换
  • consciousadj. 神志清醒的,意识到的,自觉的,有意的 n. 意
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • settingn. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲 动词
  • photographern. 摄影师
  • quoten. 引用 v. 引述,举证,报价
  • staken. 桩,赌注,利害关系 v. 下注,用桩支撑
  • filingn. 锉(文件的整理汇集)