There is no way to know for sure except by asking some of the people who have had the experience.
Susie Steele took time off from the University of Vermont to teach disabled people to ski and eventually landed a plum full-time job at the Keystone Science School in Keystone, Colo.
苏茜•斯蒂尔(Susie Steele)从佛蒙特大学(University of Vermont)休学了一段时间,教残疾人滑雪,后来在科罗拉多州基斯通的基斯通科学学校(Keystone Science School)获得了一份待遇很好的全职工作。
Now a middle-school biology teacher in Louisville, Colo., Ms Steele, 44, figures her odds would have been quite long without the gap year.
Akiima Price took a break from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore to work with the Student Conservation Association in Nevada.
阿奇玛•普赖斯(Akiima Price)从马里兰大学东海岸分校(University of Maryland Eastern Shore)休学,去内华达州的学生环境保护协会(Student Conservation Association)工作了一段时间。
The organization eventually hired her full time, and she has forged a career in and around environmental education and community work.
Now, looking back on my résumé, all of the dots ended up connecting, said Ms Price, 44, who lives in Washington.
I would tell younger Akiima to trust the process.
Parents would be wise to adopt that mantra, too, and not just because tens of thousands of tuition dollars may go to waste if a college student has a burning desire to be elsewhere.
Even if a gap year does not lead to a job offer and an obvious career track, it can light a spark that ends up burning in a different way many years later.
Cory Mason spent his gap year as a project manager for Habitat for Humanity in Savannah, Ga.
科里•梅森(Cory Mason)在间隔年担任乔治亚州萨凡纳市仁人家园(Habitat for Humanity)的项目经理。
Today, he’s a Wisconsin state representative who calls on his experience quite often, even if he doesn’t pick up a hammer much these days.
It wasn’t just about housing but more about poverty and how hard it is for working people who still make poverty wages to move into the middle class, he said.
It gave me as much of a lesson on that as it did on how to frame a house or put shingles on a roof.
Mr Mason earned room, board and a tiny stipend during his gap year.
And plenty of revenue-neutral or moneymaking gap year experiences are available, despite the phenomenon’s reputation as a sort of rich kid’s layabout.
Still, some educators question whether there isn’t some class privilege at work here.
Chad Hammett, who took three semesters off from the University of Texas,
查德•哈米特(Chad Hammett)曾从德克萨斯大学(University of Texas)休学三个学期。
now teaches English at Texas State University.
如今他在德克萨斯州立大学(Texas State University)教英语。
He figures that maybe a quarter of the students he encounters would have been better served by a gap year, but he worries about the momentum of the students he sees who are the first in their families to go to college.
This may be their one chance, and any kind of delay would be admitting that they’re not ready and don’t belong, he said.
For others, however, a year in between was just the thing they needed.
Celia Quezada was a first-generation college student and spent a year in Belgium in a Rotary program before beginning her freshman year at Williams College.
塞莉娅•克萨达(Celia Quezada)是家中的第一代大学生,在去威廉斯学院(Williams College)上大一之前,她参加扶轮社(Rotary)的一个项目,在比利时待了一年。
Had I not done the exchange program, I would have dropped out just from the culture shock, she said.
Ms Quezada, 44, lives in Greenfield, Calif., and is now a first-grade teacher.
Her students are too young for any advice from her about possible college paths.
But even the people who took the biggest risks during their gap year wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the experience to their own children.
Eric Van Dusen traveled over land from Argentina to California during his time off, while his wife, Kara Nelson, taught in a migrant camp in Zimbabwe.
埃里克•范杜森(Eric Van Dusen)在自己的间隔年从阿根廷穿越大陆来到加利福尼亚州,而他的妻子卡拉•纳尔逊(Kara Nelson)则在津巴布韦的一个难民营教书。
They have two children, ages 8 and 12, who will be making their own educational choices soon, or will try to convince their parents that an alternative path is a swell idea.
The idea of knowing that my kids would be out there being autonomous and feeling self-directed and empowered by making decisions themselves makes me really happy, Ms Nelson said.
Any risk may well be part of the point.
Ted Conover took plenty of risks when he rode freight trains with hobos during his time off from Amherst College, and eventually wrote about the experience in his book, Rolling Nowhere.
特德•康诺弗(Ted Conover)从安默斯特学院(Amherst College)休学期间与流浪汉一起搭乘货运列车,冒了很多险,最后他把那些经历写进了自己的书《漫无目的地前进》(Rolling Nowhere)中。
You get to define the terms of the risk, he said.
Could I hop a train? Handle police? Defend myself? Deal with a blizzard in October or a rainstorm while out in the open? All kinds of things had never been asked of me, and I thought that the time was right to ask myself, to test myself.
But even if you or your children have no stomach for riding the rails or hitchhiking in Central America, allowing for the possibility of something outside the norm just seems like good parenting.
Tracy Johnston Zager took time off to work on Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992, later studied as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford and is the author of a coming book called Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You’d Had.
1992年,特蕾西•约翰斯顿•扎格(Tracy Johnston Zager)休学去为比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)的总统竞选团队工作,后来以罗德学者(Rhodes Scholar)的身份在牛津大学(Oxford)学习,她即将出版一本书,名叫《成为你自己理想中的数学老师》(Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You’d Had)。
Recently, however, she found herself in a teaching moment in her own home in Portland, Me.
Her two young daughters found her examining artifacts from her days of political adventuring.
They didn’t know about any of it, she said.
They looked at me in a picture with the president and said, ‘Who’s that?’ Maybe it’s time they know this story.