韩国热门影片《奇怪的她》之后 陈正道的《重返20岁》
日期:2015-01-22 10:40


Like the 2014 Korean hit “Miss Granny,” Leste Chen’s “20 Once Again” belongs to the genre of stories that set up life lessons by miraculously reversing a character’s aging process. In this case, no bodies are switched à la “Freaky Friday”; instead, a nagging septuagenarian mother-in-law, Shen Mengjun, turns back into her 20-year-old self after visiting a mysterious photography studio.
和2014年韩国热门影片《奇怪的她》(Miss Granny)一样,陈正道的《重返20岁》属于那种通过神奇逆转人物年龄讲述人生教训的类型片。不像《辣妈辣妹》(Freaky Friday),这部影片没有身份互换,而是七十多岁、唠唠叨叨的婆婆沈梦君在去了一个神秘的照相馆之后变回了20岁时的模样。

At first, Mr. Chen’s candy-colored movie lands many of its gags through the fact that Mengjun, behind her pop-star-cutie face, still views the world through a prudish, nit-picking mind-set. A veteran actress, Grace Guei, plays the character as a 70-year-old, but it’s Yang Zi Shan as the rejuvenated version who gets to have fun playing with grumpy-old-biddy clichés. Hunched and peering about disapprovingly, she takes free samples from every stall at a marketplace and, unsolicited, lectures a young mother on how to feed her baby.
But Mr. Chen, director of the Chinese hit “The Great Hypnotist,” is also telling a soppy family drama about self-realization. Before her transformation, Mengjun lives with her beloved son (a professor) and his family, but afterward she goes into hiding (even adopting a different name) to find herself. She eventually crosses paths with her grandson, a musician (the pop singer Lu Han), and dreams of a singing career. She also has to reckon with a former servant from her childhood who’s fixated on her.
Mining deeper emotions from the fanciful premise doesn’t work out for the film, which gets tied down to a generic musical-contest subplot. It’s a workable comedy that’s sunk by its attempts to impersonate something else too.

  • fancifuladj. 奇怪的,稀奇的,想像的
  • transformationn. 转型,转化,改造
  • comedyn. 喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • premisen. 前提 vt. 提论,预述,假设 n. 房屋和
  • prudishadj. 装淑女样子的,装规矩的,过份规矩的
  • gracen. 优美,优雅,恩惠 vt. 使荣耀,使优美
  • impersonatev. 模仿,扮演,假冒
  • stalln. 货摊,摊位,厩,畜栏,(飞行器)失速 vt. 把
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后