As a leading director of action films who’s adept at creating spellbinding visual effects, Tsui Hark surprises us with his latest blockbuster, The Taking of Tiger Mountain, which is his first attempt at adapting a revolutionary classic.
The 3-D movie is based on Qu Bo’s best-selling novel Tracks in the Snowy Forest. In the 1940s, captain Shao Jianbo (Lin Gengxin) leads a squad of around 30 People’s Liberation Army soldiers to wipe out bandits in northeastern China. Seasoned investigator Yang Zirong (Zhang Hanyu) volunteered to go undercover in the bandits’ lair.
这部3D电影以曲波的畅销小说《林海雪原》为蓝本改编而成,讲述了二十世纪四十年代,队长少剑波(林更新 饰)带领30多个人民解放军战士组成的小分队在中国东北剿匪的故事。其中,经验丰富的侦查员杨子荣(张涵予 饰)主动请缨去土匪窝中担任卧底。
As a fan of his martial arts films, I am pleased to see the movie still features Tsui’s familiar mythical world of chivalrous men. The protagonist is both a courageous and resourceful man who places himself at risk in order to protect the local villagers. Every time viewers worry about challenges he faces, he ends up defending himself with ease.
However Yang is by no means a flawless stereotyped hero. In the beginning, his indiscipline and conceit raised the antipathy of Captain Shao. How the two become tacit partners fighting alongside one another is one of the movie’s highlights.
It’s hard to deny that the 3-D in many films in the market is just a selling point. But obviously Tsui has gone much further in using different techniques to make more vivid visual effects than most Chinese directors. In this movie, the slow motion flying bullets and snowflakes all create an immersive experience for the audience.
One of the most thrilling scenes occurs when Yang fights a tiger. When the fierce animal jumps on the man with its jaw wide open, the theater lit up with gasps.
The opening of the film, which shows an overseas graduate seeing video of the Peking Opera’s adaptation of Tracks in the Snowy Forest, is considered unnecessary by some critics. But the character is actually a bit of the director himself. Also, Tsui intends to approach young audiences through this role and to express the idea that though older generations may be gone, what they did is not forgotten.
I don’t know how much audiences my parents and grandparents’ ages will accept this movie, as they have a deeper emotional connection with Yang Zirong’s story. But without any doubt, Tsui has successfully encouraged a younger generation to watch this modern adaptation of a red classic.