The United Arab Emirates have become the third country to ban “Exodus: Gods and Kings,” Ridley Scott’s $140 million film about the biblical story of Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt. The decision was made because of the film’s “many mistakes not only about Islam but other religions, too,” Juma Obeid Al Leem, director of media content tracking at the National Media Council, told the English-language newspaper The Gulf News. The announcement came on the heels of announcements that the film would not be shown in Morocco and Egypt because of its portrayal of Moses, as well as historical inaccuracies and giving “a Zionist view of history.”
阿拉伯联合酋长国成为第三个禁播《法老与众神》(Exodus: Gods and Kings)的国家。该片由雷德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)导演,耗资1.4亿美元,讲述摩西带领犹太人离开埃及的圣经故事。该国国家媒体委员会媒体内容追踪部主管朱玛·奥贝德·阿利姆(Juma Obeid Al Leem)在接受英文报纸《海湾新闻报》(The Gulf News)采访时说,做出禁播决定是因为,这部电影中有“很多错误,不仅是关于伊斯兰教的,还有关于其他宗教的”。前不久,摩洛哥和埃及刚刚宣布禁播该片,因为两国不认同该片对摩西的描绘,并且认为该片对历史的描述失真,带有“犹太复国主义历史观”。
“Exodus,” produced by 20th Century Fox, was previously criticized for having white actors in the leading roles — including Christian Bale as Moses — despite being set in Egypt. It has had tepid results at the box office, taking in $52.5 million in domestic ticket sales since opening nationwide on Dec. 12, according to Box Office Mojo.
《法老与众神》由20世纪福克斯公司出品,之前因选用白人演员饰演主要角色而遭到批评,比如由克里斯蒂安·贝尔(Christian Bale)饰演摩西——尽管这个故事是以埃及为背景的。该片票房收入一般,据票房统计公司Mojo称,该片自12月12日在美国上映以来,获得了5250万美元的国内票房收入。
It’s not the first time Arab countries have banned Hollywood films because of religion: Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah” was barred in several countries in the spring, and the animated movie “The Prince of Egypt” was forbidden in Egypt in 1998.
这不是阿拉伯国家首次因宗教原因禁播好莱坞影片:今年春天,达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基(Darren Aronofsky)的《诺亚方舟》 (Noah)在七个国家遭禁;1998年,动画片《埃及王子》(The Prince of Egypt)在埃及遭禁。