At Japan Expo, we are very honored to interview Gen Urobuchi and also begraced with the presence of Nitro+ president Takaki Kosaka.Let's begin.
Translated by Emmanuel Bochew.
在日本博览会上,我们非常荣幸地采访到了虚渊玄,还有Nitro+社长Takaki Kosaka。让我们开始吧。
How has your trip to the US sofar this summer?
It is the first time I have been toSan Francisco. It is a very beautiful city. On the first day of our visit wewent to the Golden Gate Bridge. Seeing the bay view was really pleasant.
Every time I am watching movies inJapan, the city and the bridge always seem to get destroyed. I didn't know thecity was so beautiful in person.
The bridge might not be around nexttime I visit so I'm glad I got to see it.
How you think about your workbeing very popular in the west?
Some of my work has been set inAmerica, so I am very pleased and honored that my work is loved here.
Are there any differencesbetween writing a light novel and writing an anime?
When I am creating a light novel, Iam creating it mostly alone. When I am working on anime there is a director andthe staff with a point of view on my works. There usually are several revisionsregarding the storyboard. What is interesting is what will come back. It's avery interesting part of the work.
During your early years wasthere anything that inspired or sparked your imagination to start writing theway that you have done so far?
It's quite an odd question, because Ireally wanted to start writing when I read lots of Stephen King stories. Hisstories were quite astonishing and interesting.
Do you feel any of your worksare underrated or wished was a little bit more popular?
The fact is that I really don't careabout the popularity and also really focus on my work. Every time I alwaysfocus on how best to proceed with the next scene. My focus is on the action andstory, never the popularity.
You've usually stated in pastinterviews that you have connections to your characters. In Aldnoah Zero, whichis currently airing, what do you think is your connection to Inaho?
问:在过去的几次采访中,你都提到了你和角色之间的联系。那么在目前播放的Aldnoah Zero重,你觉得你和伊奈帆之间的联系是什么?
I did not create the characters inAldnoah. I made the mainframe of the story until the preliminary version. Butin fact Inaho's character is different than what I wrote. I don't really have aconnection with this character, so this is an exception.
How do you feel about workingwith Ei Aoki again in Aldnoah?
Aoki-san is a pleasure to work withon storyboard. With Aoki-san on the team it feels like a sure thing. The visionof these animations will be perfect.
Last question: a lot of thework you've donebrings out a lot of strong emotions in a way that it kind of questions themorality of heroism and justice. Is there anything related to you that makes us think of ourselves being a hero or yourself as one?
A hero is one that doesn't want to bea hero. A hero is a one with all the possibility to make the choice but takethe responsibility of the moment. And it's really something hero has got to do.For example, in 9/11 some of the plane's passengers fought with the terrorists.In Fukushima's radiation leak, some people went and tried to fix the nuclearplant and died. But they have to do it. They are heroes. They don't try to beheroes. They take responsibility and try to do what is right.