Celebrities from Lady Gaga to Linkin Park rallied their fans to ante upfor earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan.
日本强震发生后,Lady Gaga、“林肯公园”乐队及众多明星纷纷召集粉丝为地震海啸捐款。
Lady Gaga is offering a red-and-white wristband, with the words "We pray for Japan" and an image of the singer's monster paw gesture.
Lady Gaga制作了一个红白相间的祈福腕带,上面写着“为日本祈祷”,还印有她标志性的野兽手爪图案。
"Little Monsters, show your support for Japan with this 'We Pray For Japan' wristband!" her website said, encouraging her fans to donate. "All proceeds go directly to Japan relief efforts."
Gaga also directed fans to the Citizen Effect web page where they can contribute to a campaign by Google CEO Eric Schmidt and his wife Wendy. The couple will match the first $100,000 donated to help American Red Cross relief efforts in Japan.
Lady Gaga还引导粉丝登陆“平民慈善家”机构的网页,在这里大家可以为谷歌首席执行官埃里克 施密特和妻子温迪发起的募捐活动捐款。施密特夫妇将把首批10万美元善款捐给美国红十字会,用于帮助日本赈灾。
Citizen Effect uses social networking to support charity efforts.
Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park has designed a T-shirt to benefit Music for Relief's Tsunami Relief in Japan. Donations of $10 can be made by texting "MFR" to 85944.
“林肯公园”乐队的麦克 信田设计了一款T恤衫,销售所得善款将送给“音乐赈灾”组织的日本海啸赈灾活动。发送MFR到85944就可以捐款10美元。
Music for Relief also established a fund after the Haiti earthquake.