THOSE WHO LEAVE AND THOSE WHO STAY: Book 3, The Neapolitan Novels: “Middle Time.” By Elena Ferrante. Translated by Ann Goldstein. (Europa Editions, paper, $18.) The third novel in Ferrante’s series, which tracks a long and complicated friendship.
《离开的与留下的:第三册,那不勒斯小说系列:中间时刻》(Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay: Book 3, The Neapolitan Novel: “Middle Time”)。伊莉娜·法伦特(Elena Ferrant)著。安·戈德斯坦(Ann Goldstein)翻译。欧罗巴编辑出版社,平装,18美元。法伦特系列小说的第三部,追溯一段漫长复杂的友谊。
THE WALLCREEPER. By Nell Zink. (Dorothy, a Publishing Project, paper, $16.) Zink’s heady, rambunctious debut is an environmental novel, if a totally surprising and irreverent one.
《爬墙植物》(The Wall Creeper)。奈尔·津克(Nell Zink)著。多萝西(Dorothy),一个出版计划,平装,16美元。津克兴奋吵闹的处女作是一部关于环境的小说,出人意料、离经叛道。
WE ARE NOT OURSELVES. By Matthew Thomas. (Simon & Schuster, $28.) Thomas’s gorgeous family epic follows three Irish-American generations.
《我们不是我们自己》(We Are Not Ourselves)。马修·托马斯(Matthew Thomas)著。西蒙与舒斯特出版社,28美元。托马斯精彩的家庭史诗追溯了一个爱尔兰裔美国家庭三代的经历。
WHEN MYSTICAL CREATURES ATTACK! By Kathleen Founds. (University of Iowa, paper, $16.) This dark, rich little novel in stories shows Founds as a talented moralist of nearly Russian ferocity.
《神秘生物攻击!》(When Mystical Creatures Attack!)。凯瑟琳·方德斯(Kathleen Founds)著。爱荷华大学出版社(University of Iowa),平装,16美元。这本阴暗、丰富、短小,通过短篇故事呈现的小说表明方德斯是天才的道德家,有着近似俄罗斯作家的凶猛。
AMERICAN MIRROR: The Life and Art of Norman Rockwell. By Deborah Solomon. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $28.) Solomon pays honest respect to Rockwell for his dedication through periods of self-doubt, depression and marital tumult.
《美国之镜:诺曼·洛克威尔的生活与艺术》(American Mirror: The Life and Art of Norman Rockwell)。黛博拉·所罗门(Deborah Soloman)著。法拉·斯特劳斯与吉鲁科斯出版社,28美元。洛克威尔在自我怀疑、抑郁与婚姻动荡期间也表现出了奉献精神,所罗门对此献上了诚挚的敬意。
BEING MORTAL: Medicine and What Matters in the End. By Atul Gawande. (Metropolitan/Holt, $26.) A meditation on living better with age-related frailty, serious illness and approaching death.
《终有一死: 临终阶段的医药与重要事项》(Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End)。阿图尔·加万德(Atul Gawande)著。大都会/霍尔特出版社(Metropolitan/Holt),26美元。关于生命的冥想,在关于年老的脆弱、严重疾病和面对死亡方面尤为精彩。
BUILDING A BETTER TEACHER: How Teaching Works (and How to Teach It to Everyone). By Elizabeth Green. (Norton, $27.95.) What emerges here is the gaping chasm between what the best teachers do and how they are evaluated.
《做更好的教师:教育怎样发挥作用(以及怎样把这一点教给所有人)》(Building A Better Teacher:How Teaching Works[and How to Teach It to Everyone])。伊丽莎白·格林(Elizabeth Green)著。诺顿出版社,27.95美元。书中提出,最好的教师的做法与教师评价标准之间存在巨大的鸿沟。
CAN’T WE TALK ABOUT SOMETHING MORE PLEASANT? Written and illustrated by Roz Chast. (Bloomsbury, $28.) This scorchingly honest, achingly wistful graphic memoir looks at the last years of Chast’s nonagenarian parents.
《我们能说更愉快的事吗?》(Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?),罗兹·查斯特(Roz Chast)创作并绘画。布鲁姆斯伯里出版社(Bloomsbury),28美元。这部极度诚实、充满痛苦怀念的图文回忆录追溯了查斯特90多岁的父母的晚年时光。
CHINA’S SECOND CONTINENT: How a Million Migrants Are Building a New Empire in Africa. By Howard W. French. (Knopf, $27.95.) French delves into the actual lives of the Chinese who have uprooted themselves to live and work in Africa.
《中国的第二块大陆:一百万移民怎样在非洲建立新帝国》(China’s Second Continent: How a Million Migrants Are Building a New Empire in Africa)。霍华德·W·弗兰彻(Howard W. French)著。克诺普夫出版社,27.95美元。弗兰彻在本书中深入研究在非洲工作与生活的中国人的真实生活。
CUBED: A Secret History of the Workplace. By Nikil Saval. (Doubleday, $26.95.) This account of office design and technology since the Civil War offers insights into the changing nature of work.
《隔间:办公室秘史》(Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace)。尼克尔·萨沃尔(Nikil Saval)著。双日出版社(Doubleday),26.95美元。本书描述南北战争以来的办公室设计与技术,洞察到工作性质的改变。
DEEP DOWN DARK: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine, and the Miracle That Set Them Free. By Héctor Tobar. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $26.) Tobar graphically recounts the quandaries faced by the victims of Chile’s 2010 mine disaster.
《深入黑暗:关于33个被埋在智利矿井下的人未被讲述的故事及营救奇迹》(Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine, and the Miracle That Set Them Free)。赫克托·托巴(Héctor Tobar)著。法拉,斯特劳斯与吉鲁科斯出版社,26美元。托巴生动地叙述了2010年智利矿难中的受害者们所面临的困境。
DEMON CAMP: A Soldier’s Exorcism. By Jennifer Percy. (Scribner, $26.) Percy’s first book follows an anguished Army veteran who searches for salvation in a Christian exorcism camp.
《魔鬼营:一个士兵的驱邪》(Demon Camp: A Soldier’s Exorcism)。詹妮弗·珀西(Jennifer Percy)著。斯克里布纳出版社,26美元。这是珀西的第一本书,讲述一个痛苦的老兵在基督教驱邪营中寻找拯救的故事。
DUTY: Memoirs of a Secretary at War. By Robert M. Gates. (Knopf, $35.) One of the few Obama administration members who come off well in this frank account — probably one of the best Washington memoirs ever — is Hillary Clinton.
《责任:国防部长回忆录》(Duty: Memoires of a Secretary at War)。罗伯特·M·盖茨(Robert M. Gates)著。克诺普夫出版社,35美元。这本叙事坦白的书或许是史上最佳华盛顿回忆录之一,书中奥巴马政府成员里少有的好人之一就是希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)。
DYING EVERY DAY: Seneca at the Court of Nero. By James Romm. (Knopf, $27.95.) A classicist tries to unravel the enigma of the Stoic philosopher who was the Roman emperor Nero’s adviser.
《每天都在死亡:尼禄宫廷中的塞内加》(Dying Everyday: Seneca at the Court of Nero)。詹姆斯·罗姆(James Romm)著。克诺普夫出版社,27.95美元。一位古典学者试图揭开这位担任罗马帝王尼禄顾问的斯多葛哲学家之谜。
EICHMANN BEFORE JERUSALEM: The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer. By Bettina Stangneth. Translated by Ruth Martin. (Knopf, $35.) The Eichmann of this study is a much more motivated Nazi than in Arendt’s version.
《耶路撒冷之前的艾希曼:大屠杀制造者未经审视的人生》(Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer)。贝蒂纳·斯坦格尼斯(Bettina Stangneth)著。拉斯·马丁(Ruth Martin)翻译。克诺普夫出版社,35美元。同阿伦特(Arendt)的书相比,这本书中的艾希曼是更积极的纳粹分子。
ELEPHANT COMPANY: The Inspiring Story of an Unlikely Hero and the Animals Who Helped Him Save Lives in World War II. By Vicki Constantine Croke. (Random House, $28.) A rich portrait of a fascinating Englishman in extraordinary times.
《大象伙伴:一个不太可能的英雄与帮助他在“二战”中拯救生命的动物园们鼓舞人心的故事》(Elephant Company: The Inspiring Story of an Unlikely Hero and the Animals Who Helped Him Save Lives in World War II)。维吉·康斯坦丁·克洛克(Vicki Constantine Croke)。兰登书屋出版社,28美元。对非常时期一个迷人的英国人做了精彩的描述。
EMBATTLED REBEL: Jefferson Davis as Commander in Chief. By James M. McPherson. (Penguin Press, $32.95.) The Confederate president as “a product of his time and circumstances.”
《严阵以待的反叛者:担任总指挥的杰斐逊·戴维斯》(Embattled Rebel: Jefferson Davis as Commander in Chief)。詹姆斯·M·麦克弗森(James M. McPherson)著。企鹅出版社,32.95美元。这位南部邦联的总统是“他所处的时代与环境的产物”。
THE EMPATHY EXAMS: Essays. By Leslie Jamison. (Graywolf, $15.) Considerations of pain, physical and emotional, and how it affects our relationships with one another and with ourselves.
《共情测验:文集》(The Empathy Exams: Essays)。莱斯利·詹米森(Leslie Jamison)著。格雷沃夫出版社,15美元。对身心痛苦的思考,以及这些痛苦如何影响我们与他人乃至自身的关系。
FACTORY MAN: How One Furniture Maker Battled Offshoring, Stayed Local — and Helped Save an American Town. By Beth Macy. (Little, Brown, $28.) Macy’s folksy concentration on her local hero makes complex global issues understandable.
《工厂人:一个家具制造商如何在海外作战、留在本地——并协助拯救了一个美国镇子》(Factory Man: How One Furniture Maker Battled Offshoring, Stayed Local — and Helped Save an American Town)。贝丝·马西(Beth Macy)著。利特尔,布朗出版社,28美元。马西讲述了她家乡的英雄,友好的风格令复杂的全球问题变得易懂。
THE FAME LUNCHES: On Wounded Icons, Money, Sex, the Brontës, and the Importance of Handbags. By Daphne Merkin. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $28.) Forty-six essays that share a similar curiosity about the glittering byproducts of personal pain.
《名望午餐:关于受伤的偶像、金钱、性、勃朗特姊妹以及手袋的重要性》(The Fame Lunches: On Wounded Icons, Money, Sex, the Brontës, and the Importance of Handbags)。达芙妮·默金(Daphne Merkin)著。法拉·斯特劳斯与吉鲁科斯出版社,28美元。收录46篇散文,分享对私人痛苦闪闪发光的副产品的好奇。
FIRE SHUT UP IN MY BONES: A Memoir. By Charles M. Blow. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $27.) The Times Op-Ed columnist describes overcoming his rage at being abused as a child.
《火焰在我骨骼中静止:回忆录》(Fire Shut up in My Bones: A Memoir)。查尔斯·M·布娄(Charles M. Blow)著。休顿、米夫林,哈克特出版社(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt),27美元。《纽约时报》评论作家讲述自己童年被虐待时的愤怒。
FORCING THE SPRING: Inside the Fight for Marriage Equality. By Jo Becker. (Penguin Press, $29.95.) A fly-on-the-wall account of the 2013 Supreme Court case that led to the overturn of California’s ban on same-sex marriage.
《促进春天来临:婚姻平等战斗内情》(Forcing the Spring: Inside the Fight for Marriage Equality)。约·贝卡(Jo Beckaer)著。企鹅出版社,29.95美元。对2013年最高法院导致加利福尼亚州废除禁止同性婚姻一案做了全景式描述。
GANDHI BEFORE INDIA. By Ramachandra Guha. (Knopf, $35.) It was as a young lawyer in South Africa that Gandhi forged the philosophy and strategies later put to such effect in India.
《印度之前的甘地》(Gandhi Before India)。罗摩旃陀罗·古哈(Ramachandra Guha)著。克诺普夫出版社,35美元。在南非担任律师期间,年轻的甘地形成了日后对印度产生重大影响的哲学与战略。
GEEK SUBLIME: The Beauty of Code, the Code of Beauty. By Vikram Chandra. (Graywolf, paper, $16.) With great subtlety and depth, Chandra, who is both a novelist and a programmer, traces the connections between art and technology.
《极客顶点:代码之美,美之代码》(Geek Sublime: The Beauty of Code, the Code of Beauty)。维克拉姆·钱德拉(Vikram Chandra)著。格雷沃夫出版社,平装,16美元。钱德拉既是小说家,也是程序设计者,本书兼具微妙和深度,写出了艺术与技术之间的联系。
HOTEL FLORIDA: Truth, Love, and Death in the Spanish Civil War. By Amanda Vaill. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $30.) A collective portrait of Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn, and two other couples.
《弗罗里达酒店:西班牙内战中的真实、爱与死亡》(Hotel Florida: Truth, Love and Death in the Spanish Civil War)。阿曼达·维尔(Amanda Vaill)著。法拉·斯特劳斯与吉鲁科斯出版社,30美元。海明威和玛莎·格尔霍恩(Martha Gellhorn)以及其他两对情侣的群像。
THE HUMAN AGE: The World Shaped by Us. By Diane Ackerman. (Norton, $27.95.) An optimistic survey of the technology and innovations that define our human-dominated epoch.
《人类时代:我们塑造的地球》(The Human Age: The World Shaped by Us)。黛安·阿克曼(Diane Ackerman)著。诺顿出版社,27.95美元。一部对定义了人类统治时代的技术与创新的乐观主义研究报告。
THE INVISIBLE BRIDGE: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan. By Rick Perlstein. (Simon & Schuster, $37.50.) Engrossing and at times mordantly funny, Perlstein’s book treats the years 1973-76 as a Rosetta stone for American politics today.
《看不见的桥梁:尼克松的陨落与里根的崛起》(The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan)。里克·珀尔斯坦(Rick Perlstein)著。西蒙与舒斯特出版社,37.50美元。珀尔斯坦的书引人入胜,有时也非常有趣,把1973年-76年视为观察今日美国的向导。
THE INVISIBLE FRONT: Love and Loss in an Era of Endless War. By Yochi Dreazen. (Crown, $26.) Dreazen uses one military family’s tragedy to examine the troubling rise of postwar suicides.
《看不见的前线:无尽战争年代中的爱与失落》(The Invisible Front: Love and Loss in an Era of Endless War)。约奇·德里曾(Yochi Dreazen)著。皇冠出版社(Crown),26美元。德里曾用一个军人家庭的悲剧审视了战后自杀现象令人不安的增加现象。
THE INVISIBLE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE: How DNA and History Shape Our Identities and Our Futures. By Christine Kenneally. (Viking, $27.95.) Kenneally takes a smart and highly entertaining look at the revelations DNA can provide.
《人类看不见的历史:DNA与历史是怎样塑造我们的身份与未来》(The Invisible History of the Human Race: How DNA and History Shape Our Identities and Our Futures)。克里斯汀·肯尼利(Christine Kenneally)著。维京出版社,27.95美元。肯尼利聪明有趣地写出了DNA可以提供的东西。
JUST MERCY: A Story of Justice and Redemption. By Bryan Stevenson. (Spiegel & Grau, $28.) An activist lawyer’s account of a man wrongfully convicted of murder reads like a call to action.
《只是仁慈:一个关于公正与救赎的故事》(JUST MERCY: A Story of Justice and Redemption)。布莱恩·史蒂文斯(Bryan Stevenson)斯皮格尔与格劳出版社(Spiegel & Grau),28美元。一个社会活动家律师描述一个被错判谋杀的男人的故事,读来像是在号召人们采取行动。
LIMONOV. By Emmanuel Carrère. Translated by John Lambert. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $30.) Carrère applies his affinity for the big questions to his biography of an uncategorizable Russian writer.
《莱蒙诺夫》(Limonov)。伊曼纽尔·卡赫埃赫(Emmanuel Carrère)著。约翰·兰伯特(John Lambert)翻译。法拉·斯特劳斯与吉鲁科斯出版社,30美元。卡赫埃赫把对重大问题的关注写进了这本难以归类的俄罗斯作家传记中。
LITTLE FAILURE: A Memoir. By Gary Shteyngart. (Random House, $27.) Shteyngart’s hilarious and touching account of his family’s move from Leningrad to Queens, and his emergence as a writer.
《小失败:回忆录》(Little Failure)。加里·施戴恩加特(Gary Shteyngart)著。兰登书屋出版社,27美元。施戴恩加特精彩动人地描述他的家庭从列宁格勒搬到纽约皇后区的经历,以及他成为作家的经历。
THE MADWOMAN IN THE VOLVO: My Year of Raging Hormones. By Sandra Tsing Loh. (Norton, $25.95.) Loh’s memoir wittily describes her roller-coaster ride through “the change.”
《坐沃尔沃的疯女人:我的愤怒荷尔蒙年代》(The Madwoman in the Volvo: My Year of Raging Hormones)。陆赛静(Sandra Tsing Loh)著,诺顿出版社,25.95美元。罗的回忆录聪敏地描述了她在“变化”期间充满高低起伏的经历。
NAPOLEON: A Life. By Andrew Roberts. (Viking, $45.) Roberts brilliantly conveys the sheer energy of this military and organizational whirlwind.
《拿破仑:生平》(Napoleon: A Life)。安德鲁·罗伯茨(Andrew Roberts)著。维京出版社,45美元。罗伯茨精彩地描述了这股军事与组织的破坏力量身上的纯粹能量。
NO GOOD MEN AMONG THE LIVING: America, the Taliban, and the War Through Afghan Eyes. By Anand Gopal. (Metropolitan/Holt, $27.) A devastating look at how we got Afghanistan wrong.
《活下来的没有好人:阿富汗人眼中的美国、塔利班与战争》(No Good Men Among the Living: America, the Taliban, and the War Through Afghan Eyes)。安纳德·戈帕尔(Anand Gopal)。大都会/霍尔特出版社,27美元。关于目前局势的可怕审视——阿富汗人错了。
NOT I: Memoirs of a German Childhood. By Joachim Fest. Translated by Martin Chalmers. (Other Press, paper, $16.95.) The author’s father’s opposition to Hitler brought his family into danger.
《不是我:德国童年回忆》(Not I: Memoires of a German Childhood)。乔基姆·菲斯特(Joachim Fest)著。马丁·查尔莫斯(Martin Chalmers)翻译。其他出版社,平装,16.95美元。作者的父亲因为反对希特勒,而令全家处于危险之中。
ON IMMUNITY: An Inoculation. By Eula Biss. (Graywolf, $24.) Drawing on science, myth and literature, Biss spellbindingly examines the psychological fog of fear that surrounds immunization today.
《免疫:接种》(On Immunity: An Inoculation)。欧拉·比斯(Eula Biss)。格雷沃夫出版社,24美元。比斯使用科学、神话与文学,引人入胜地检视了围绕在免疫学周围的心理恐惧迷雾。
ON THE RUN: Fugitive Life in an American City. By Alice Goffman. (University of Chicago, $25.) A young sociologist’s remarkably reported ethnography of a poor black Philadelphia neighborhood.
《奔跑:在一座美国城市里的逃亡生活》(On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City)。爱丽丝·格夫曼(Alice Goffman)著。芝加哥大学出版社(University of Chicago)。25美元。一位年轻社会学家关于费城一处贫穷黑人社区的精彩人种学报告。
100 ESSAYS I DON’T HAVE TIME TO WRITE: On Umbrellas and Sword Fights, Parades and Dogs, Fire Alarms, Children, and Theater. By Sarah Ruhl. (Faber & Faber, $23.) The playwright on how to be creative when life and children intervene.
《100篇我来不及写的文章:关于雨伞和击剑、游行和狗、火警、孩子和剧场》(100 Essays I Don’t Have Times To Write: On Umbrellas and Sward Fights, Parades and Dogs, Fire Alarms, Children, and Theater)。莎拉·鲁尔(Sarah Ruhl)。法伯与法伯出版社,23美元。这位剧本作家写出了在生活琐事和孩子们的干扰之下,如何保持创意。
THE PARTHENON ENIGMA. By Joan Breton Connelly. (Knopf, $35.) With first-rate scholarship, an archaeologist reinterprets the Parthenon frieze in this exciting and revelatory history.
《万神殿之谜》(The Parthenon Enigma)。琼·布莱顿·康奈利(Joan Breton Connelly)著。克诺普夫出版社,35美元。在这本精彩而富于启发性的历史书中,一位考古学家以一流学术水准重新解析万神殿的雕饰带
PAY ANY PRICE: Greed, Power, and Endless War. By James Risen. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $28.) The Pulitzer Prize-winning Times reporter chronicles the excesses of the war on terror in this important and powerful book.
《不惜任何代价:贪婪、权力与无尽的战争》(Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War)。詹姆斯·莱森(James Risen)。休顿·米夫林·哈克特出版社,28美元。这位《纽约时报》的记者,普利策奖得主在这部重要而有力的书中按年代记录了反恐战争中的暴行。
PENELOPE FITZGERALD: A Life. By Hermione Lee. (Knopf, $35.) In this delicate portrait, Lee takes on the challenge of an elusive late-bloomer — the great novelist and biographer who published her first book at 58 and became famous at 80.
《佩妮洛普·菲茨杰拉德:生平》(Penelope Fitzgerald: A Life)。赫米奥尼·李(Hermione Lee)著。克诺普夫出版社,35美元。在这部精美的传记中,李接受挑战,写了一位难以捉摸的大器晚成者——她是一位伟大的小说家和传记作家,58岁才出版第一本书,80岁成名。
PRO: Reclaiming Abortion Rights. By Katha Pollitt. (Picador, $25.) In this manifesto, Pollitt argues that women should stop apologizing and reclaim abortion as a “positive social good.”
《赞成:要求堕胎权》(Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights)。卡莎·波利特(Katha Pollitt)著。皮卡多出版社(Picador),25美元。在这本宣言之中,波利特主张女性应当停止为堕胎而道歉,并称其有“积极的社会利益”。
THE SHORT AND TRAGIC LIFE OF ROBERT PEACE: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark for the Ivy League. By Jeff Hobbs. (Scribner, $27.) A heartbreaking journey from a New Jersey ghetto to Yale to a drug-related murder.
《罗伯特·皮斯短暂悲惨的一生:一个离开纽瓦克上了常春藤联盟学校的了不起的青年》(The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark for the Lvy League)。杰夫·霍布斯(Jeff Hobbs)著。斯克里布纳出版社,27美元。一位从新泽西贫民窟走入耶鲁的青年在涉及毒品事件中遇害,这是一段令人心碎的旅程。
THE SIXTH EXTINCTION: An Unnatural History. By Elizabeth Kolbert. (Holt, $28.) A powerful examination of the role of man-made climate change in causing the current spasm of plant and animal loss that threatens the planet.
《第六次灭绝:非自然史》(The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History)。伊丽莎白·科尔伯特(Elizabeth Kolbert)著。霍尔特出版社,28美元。该书有力地审视了人为气候变化在地球环境突变与动物减少中扮演的角色。
A SPY AMONG FRIENDS: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal. By Ben Macintyre. (Crown, $27.) This account of the high-level British spymaster who turned out to be a Russian mole reads like John le Carré but is a solidly researched true story.
《朋友中的间谍:吉姆·菲尔比与大背叛》(A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal)。本·麦肯迪尔(Ben Mac-intyre)著。皇冠出版社,27美元。这本书讲述了一位英国高层间谍首脑,后来被发现其实是俄罗斯“鼹鼠”,读来像是约翰·勒卡雷(John le Carré)的小说,但其实是一个经过悉心调研的真实故事。
STUFF MATTERS: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World. By Mark Miodownik. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $26.) Materials we think banal and boring — paper, concrete, glass, plastic — hold hidden wonders.
《重要的东西:探索塑造人工世界不可思议的材料》(Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials that Shape Our Man-Made World)。马克·米奥多尼克(Mark Miodownik)著。休顿、米夫林,哈克特出版社,26美元。我们认为平平无奇的材料——纸张、水泥、玻璃、塑料——里面都蕴含着奇迹。
THE TEACHER WARS: A History of America’s Most Embattled Profession. By Dana Goldstein. (Doubleday, $26.95.) Goldstein offers a lively, personality-driven survey of the public education system, and offers ideas for its reform.
《教师战争:美国最受抨击的职业的历史》(The Teacher Wars: A History of America’s Most Embattled Profession)。黛娜·戈德斯坦(Dana Goldstein)著。双日出版社,26.95美元。戈德斯坦对公立教育系统做了生动、个性化的研究,并给出了改革意见。
THIRTEEN DAYS IN SEPTEMBER: Carter, Begin, and Sadat at Camp David. By Lawrence Wright. (Knopf, $27.95.) How marathon sessions of bare-knuckle diplomacy forged a framework for peace between Israel and Egypt in 1978.
《九月里的13天:卡特、贝京与萨达特在戴维营》(Thirteen Days in September: Carter, Begin and Sadat at Camp David)。劳伦斯·怀特(Lawrence Wright)著,克诺普夫出版社,27.95美元。1978年,严酷的外交斗争中的马拉松谈判塑造了以色列与埃及的和平框架。
THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING: Capitalism vs. the Climate. By Naomi Klein. (Simon & Schuster, $30.) In her ambitious and consequential analysis, Klein argues there is still time to avoid catastrophe, but not within the current rules of capitalism.
《这改变了一切:资本主义对气候》(This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate)。娜奥米·克莱恩(Naomi Klein)著。西蒙与舒斯特出版社,30美元。在她野心勃勃、意味深长的解析中,克莱恩认为目前仍然来得及避免大灾变,但不能在目前的资本主义法则下进行。
THROWN. By Kerry Howley. (Sarabande, paper, $15.95.) With its sly humor and trenchant vision, this genre-bending work finds sublime poetry in the world of mixed martial arts.
《抛掷》(Thrown)。凯利·豪利(Kerry Howley)著。萨拉班德出版社(Sarabande),平装,15.95美元。这本无法归类的作品有着狡黠的幽默和清晰的事业,在各种武术的世界里寻找庄严的诗意。
THE TRIP TO ECHO SPRING: On Writers and Drinking. By Olivia Laing. (Picador, $26.) A charming and gusto-driven look at the alcoholic insanity of six famous authors: John Cheever, Tennessee Williams, John Berryman, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Raymond Carver.
《回声泉之旅:作家与饮酒》(The Trip to Echo Spring: On Writers and Drinking)。奥利维亚·兰格(Olivia Laing)著。皮卡多出版社,26美元。充满魅力和热情地追溯了六位酗酒的著名作家:约翰·契弗(John Cheever)、田纳西·威廉姆斯(Tennessee Williams)、约翰·伯里曼(John Berryman)、厄内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)、F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)与雷蒙德·卡佛(Raymond Carver)。
THE TRUE AMERICAN: Murder and Mercy in Texas. By Anand Giridharadas. (Norton, $27.95.) Competing visions of the American dream collide in this account of a post-9/11 hate crime and its unlikely reverberations.
《真正的美国人:得克萨斯的谋杀与仁慈》(The True American: Muder and Mercy in Texas)。阿纳德·吉利达拉达斯(Anand Giridharadas)著。诺顿出版社,27.95美元。美国梦中互相竞争的景象,在这本讲述后9/11仇恨犯罪与其不可思议的反响的书中互相碰撞。
WORLD ORDER. By Henry Kissinger. (Penguin Press, $36.) Kissinger’s elegant, wide-ranging cri de coeur is a realpolitik warning for future generations from a skeptic steeped in the past.
《世界秩序》(World Order)。亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)。企鹅出版社,36美元。基辛格简洁优美、涉猎广泛的大声呼吁,是一个浸淫与过去的怀疑主义者对未来几代人提出的现实主义政治警告。