ROME — For 136 years, the Honor Guard to the Royal Tombs of the Pantheon has stood watch over the mortal remains of the Savoy kings who formerly ruled Italy, paying a discreet, sober tribute to a once-powerful dynasty in recognition of its role in unifying the country.
Standing ramrod straight at the sides of the massive mausoleums commemorating King Vittorio Emanuele II and his son Umberto I, they are meant to remain silent, though more often than not they end up fielding questions from inquisitive tourists.
仪仗队卫兵笔直地站在维托里奥·埃马努埃莱二世(King Vittorio Emanuele II)和儿子翁贝托一世(Umberto I)宏伟的陵墓两侧,他们本应该保持沉默,但却常常要应付好奇的游客提出的各种问题。
That is, when they are present. Despite recent efforts to attract new members, the ranks of the Honor Guard have grown thin, and the tombs are often unattended.
The guards themselves attribute the decline to the waning commitment to the Savoy kings among a younger generation of Italians who they say have forgotten values like patriotism. Others, however, point to the checkered history of the former royal family, and the troubles of their current heirs, which have done more to inspire tabloid headlines than passion for the family's long role in Italy.
King Vittorio Emanuele II, who died in 1878, played an essential part in founding modern Italy, and his memorial at the Pantheon in Rome is dedicated to the "Father of the Homeland." It also houses Umberto I, who was assassinated in 1900. Umberto's wife, Queen Margherita of Savoy, is buried next to him.
逝世于1878年的维托里奥·埃马努埃莱二世对现代意大利的建立起到了关键作用,万神殿里的埃马努埃莱二世纪念馆将他称作“祖国之父”。万神殿里还安放着1900年被暗杀的翁贝托一世的遗体。翁贝托的妻子——萨伏伊皇后玛格丽特(Queen Margherita)——就葬在他旁边。
But the royal family was tainted for supporting the rise of Fascism in the years between the world wars, and in 1938 King Vittorio Emanuele III signed racial laws that discriminated against Jews. The king eventually dismissed Mussolini in 1943, but after signing an armistice with the Allies, he and his government fled German-occupied Rome for Brindisi, in Puglia, effectively leaving Italy's troops leaderless.
The male descendants of the family were formally exiled as punishment in 1948, two years after Italians voted in a referendum to abolish the monarchy in favor of a republican government. That ban was lifted in 2002, but the family's reputation never fully recovered.
Even now, some visitors to the Royal Tombs of the Pantheon "come to insult us," said Giuseppe Persico, a police officer from Velletri, a town of about 50,000 in the Lazio region, as he carried out Honor Guard service on a hot August morning. "They think that Italy today is better than it was before," he added disdainfully.
即使现在,有些参观万神殿的游客还“来侮辱我们”,一名正在仪仗队中值岗的朱塞佩·佩西克(Giuseppe Persico)说道,八月的早晨天气炎热。他是一名来自韦莱特里(Velletri)的警察,该镇位于拉齐奥区,人口五万。“他们认为意大利今天比过去要好,”他轻蔑地说。
Those attracted to the Honor Guard are apt to overlook the less-savory parts of the family's history, or are drawn to what they see as the larger, enduring values that they believe are represented in the institution of the monarchy. Many lament that young Italians feel little sense of civic duty.
"Believing in values like patriotism is fairly atypical among people my age," acknowledged Carmelo Raia, 22, a law student who last month traveled to Rome from Agrigento, Sicily, to stand guard in the Pantheon. Like most other new recruits, Mr. Raia labels himself a "history buff" who was drawn to the guards because of their emphasis on national identity, history and tradition. "My contemporaries don't even know the meaning of the word patriotism," he said.
“在我这个年龄的人中,信仰爱国主义这类价值观是另类,”22岁的卡梅洛·拉亚(Carmelo Raia)说。拉亚是法律系学生,上个月从西西里岛的阿格里真托来到罗马守卫万神殿。就像多数其他新兵一样,拉亚说自己是一个“历史迷”,被仪仗队的士兵所感召,因为他们重视民族身份、历史和传统。“我的同代人根本不知道爱国主义这个词的意思,”他说。
For others, the values embodied in the Savoy dynasty are less than noble, and there is little sentiment in Italy for any kind of restoration.
The guards are commendable, because "right or wrong they believe in the ideals of the institution," said Lorenzo Del Boca, an essayist who has written extensively about the royal family. "But we only had disasters from the House of Savoy. With the exception of Umberto II, who was king for 40 days, there is little to say that is positive," he said.
这些士兵值得称赞,因为“不管怎样,他们是相信那个制度的理想,”洛伦索·德尔博卡(Lorenzo Del Boca)撰写过大量关于这个皇室家族的文章。“但我们从萨伏伊家族只得到了灾难。除了担任国王40天的翁贝托二世,没有什么积极的东西可言,”他说。
Trying to attract recruits, the Honor Guard relaxed its requirement that members belong to the military, and gradually opened to civilians. The spike in membership — topping 5,000 guards — peaked in 2006, a few years after the Savoy male heirs were allowed to return to Italy.
But numbers have dropped since then, in part because of the prince's legal troubles, but also because the novelty of the monarchy's return wore off. Today, the average age of the guards is between 50 and 60, and only about 5 percent are under 30.
A youth honor guard — the Giovane Guardia, or the Young Guard — took root, "but they've never been that numerous," said Capt. Ugo d'Atri, a retired navy officer who has tried to broaden the appeal of the Honor Guard since he was named its president in 2003. "And this I regret."
一个青年仪仗队(Giovane Guardia)开始形成,但队长乌戈·达特里(Ugo d'Atri)说“人数一直不多”。达特里是一名退役海军军官,2003年被任命为队长以来,他一直试图增加仪仗队的吸引力。“这让我感到遗憾。”
Anyone can apply to become an honor guard, as long as the applicant does not have a criminal record and shares the ideals the institute promotes. But it can be a tough sell.
"Our store offers the kind of merchandise that doesn't always find buyers," Captain d'Atri said, admitting the difficulties he has had in increasing the guard's ranks with like-minded people. "We're living in an increasingly global, consumerism-driven society. It's not a place where strong sentiments and values prevail."
The institute is not affiliated with any political party, and is not a revanchist movement. But it has been campaigning — with petitions and support of parliamentary bills — to bury in the Pantheon the remains of the four Savoy family members who died outside Italy during the exile. They are buried in Egypt and France.
"I think that most people with a sense of history would agree with our request," Captain d'Atri said. So far, however, the bills have foundered in preliminary parliamentary commissions, suggesting the issue is not a priority.
Beyond any political questions, Captain d'Atri said, "it's like putting a photograph back into the family album." Bringing the remains back to the Pantheon, he said, would be an "act of reconciliation between those who voted for the republic and those who voted for the monarchy and their heirs — it's underscoring that this history belongs to Italy."