The point of no return in “Stray Dogs,” Tsai Ming-liang’s glum, humorless exercise in Asian miserablism, is an 11-minute scene of a homeless man smothering and devouring a cabbage with a face painted on it.
《郊游》(Stray Dogs)是蔡明亮对亚洲愁苦主义忧郁而严肃的尝试,片中一个长达11分钟的场景是一个无家可归的男人狼吞虎咽地吞吃着一个画有人脸的高丽菜,把影片推向无法回头的境地。
Living on the outskirts of Taipei, where he earns a subsistence wage holding up real estate placards at a crowded intersection in the wind and rain, the unnamed character (Lee Kang-sheng, the director’s regular leading man) arrives at the dingy, abandoned apartment where he squats with his two children. Climbing into bed, he discovers the cabbage propped up on a pillow. On it, his young daughter has painted a doll face.
In a fit of despair and self-loathing, he suffocates the vegetable with a pillow, eats and spits out parts, then furiously gouges out its features before ravenously consuming the rest and bursting into sobs. Augmenting the anguished mood, a drenching rain falls outside, as it does through much of the film.
The scene brings to mind the moment in “Gone With the Wind” when Scarlett O’Hara, half-starving, digs up a radish, bites into it, vomits and vows never to be hungry again. In a tiny fraction of the time it takes for Mr. Lee to finish off that cabbage, Vivien Leigh conveys the same desperation. But instead of lapsing into a despairing funk, she claws her way out of the abyss. Because Mr. Lee’s character has none of her gumption, it’s hard not to feel a twinge of contempt for his lachrymose self-pity.
这一幕令人想起《乱世佳人》(Gone With the Wind)中饿着肚子的郝思嘉(Scarlett O’Hara)从土里刨出一颗萝卜,咬了一口又吐出来,发誓自己再也不会挨饿。费雯丽(Vivien Leigh)用的时间比李康生吃高丽菜的时间少得多,但传达出同样的绝望之感。最后郝思嘉没有变成一个绝望的懦夫,而是从深渊中爬了出来。但是李康生的角色就没有这样的魄力了,看到他眼泪汪汪的自怜,很难不让人感到一阵轻蔑。
That said, Mr. Tsai has his fervent admirers, some of whom have declared “Stray Dogs” a masterpiece. The 10th feature by this Malaysian-born, Taiwan-based director, it won the grand jury prize at the 2013 Venice Film Festival and was shown at the New York Film Festival. In the production notes, Mr. Tsai professes to have become “tired of cinema.” And “Stray Dogs,” with its glacial pace and disconnected narrative, often feels more like an art installation than like a movie.
In the story, such as it is, Mr. Lee’s character slowly loses all hope as he drags his children and a female partner (played by three actresses) around the muddy fringes of Taipei. Few words are spoken. In the longest monologue, Mr. Lee, tears welling in his eyes, recites a Southern Song dynasty poem that distills the film’s fatalistic mood:
I launch a shrill cry at the heavens My valiant heart loses hope My exploits are naught but mud and dust O vainglorious pain The shame of defeat is not yet washed away.
Until it goes haywire with the cabbage scene, “Stray Dogs” sustains a hypnotic intensity anchored in exquisite cinematography that portrays the modern industrial cityscape as a chilly wasteland. We see double and triple reflections in a supermarket where a kindly clerk lets the children feast on food samples. The camera tracks family members from a distance as they inch from one end of the screen to the other. For every tableau of the people on the far horizon, there is an intimate shot of family members, bathing, brushing their teeth and urinating, sometimes in a public restroom and other times outdoors.
Beginning with the cabbage scene, the momentum grinds to a halt. It concludes with a static 12-minute shot of Mr. Lee and his distraught partner gazing off into space as a single tear trickles down her expressionless face. One by one, they walk away. The scene suggests a parody of the final moments of “L’Avventura,” whose anguished lovers find themselves trapped in modern relationship hell.
Oh, weep for the sadness of it all! Or not.