Apple certainly seems committed to the idea that bigger is better.
The tech giant reportedly plans to introduce a larger version of its iPad early next year. That’s according to a Bloomberg report, which cites anonymous sources saying that a new iPad measuring 12.9 inches diagonally is set to go into production in the first quarter of 2015.
据报道,这家科技巨头计划在明年年初推出更大尺寸的iPad。彭博社(Bloomberg)引用匿名人士的消息称, 一款12.9英寸的新iPad(对角线尺寸),预计将在2015年第一季度投产。
Apple’s current iPads come with 7.9-inch or 9.7-inch displays. New versions in those sizes are expected to be unveiled early next month at a much-hyped, but as yet unconfirmed Apple event, according to a recent report.
苹果当前的iPad屏幕尺寸分别为7.9英寸及9.7英寸两款。最近有报道称,预计将在下个月初召开的苹果发布会上,这两种尺寸iPad 都将推出新款。不过虽然坊间大肆炒作,但苹果官方至今仍未传出这场发布会的确切消息。
The company is also expected to use the occasion to premiere its iPhone 6, including a model with a bigger 5.5- inch screen. Currently iPhone 5s models have a 4.9-inch screen.
外界预测,苹果将在此次发布会上推出iPhone 6手机,包括配备5.5英寸屏幕的大尺寸型号。目前的iPhone 5S的屏幕尺寸为4.9英寸。
Rumors of a larger iPad called the “iPad Pro” emerged last summer, but MacRumorslater reported that the company had put those plans on hold.
在去年夏天曾经有传言称,苹果将推出名为“iPad Pro”的大尺寸iPad,但MacRumors论坛后来报道称苹果公司暂停了该计划。