The Moto X Pure Edition is not just the best giant Android smartphone or the best Android phone for the money. It is the best Android phone.
Moto X纯净版不只是最伟大的安卓智能机,也是性价比最高的安卓机,是最棒的安卓机。
It's everything a great smartphone should be: It's thin, beautiful, fast, has a battery that will get you through the day, it has an awesome 5.7-inch display, a great camera, a super-fast turbo-charging battery. But there are three things that make the Moto X Pure Edition particularly special and worthy of the "best ever" recognition.
它具有每一部优秀智能机必备的特点:超薄,美观,运行速度快,电池续航给力,它有个5.7寸显示屏,像素高,超高速涡轮增压电池。但是Moto X纯净版有三点特殊之处,这也使它成为有史以来最棒的安卓机。
1.It is the most customizable phone on the market
Smartphones are deeply personal items. More than any other smartphone maker, Motorola gets how important it is to tailor its smartphones to its customers.
Like Motorola's two previous Moto X phones, the Pure Edition comes in a huge variety of colors and materials. There are hundreds of different options to choose from, including grippy silicone models in a dozen colors, multiple wood grains and differently styled leather backs. Motorola's software is also personal. It's mostly Android with just a few welcome tweaks that make your phone your own. It even comes with an increasingly rare SD card slot, allowing customers to cheaply add storage to their devices and avoid the single biggest ripoff from cell phone companies.
与之前两部Moto X一样,纯净版也有多种颜色材质各不相同,多种选择包括12种不同颜色的流行硅胶款,多重木纹款以及不同风格的皮革款。摩托罗拉的软件也十分个人化。大多数为安卓软件,只有几个受欢迎的系统微调,这使你的手机十分个性化。 它甚至还有一个越来越罕见的SD卡插槽,使消费者增加手机存储并避免手机公司简单大型盗窃。
2.It will work on any carrier
The Moto X Pure Edition will only be offered unlocked and without a contract, meaning you won't be able to buy a subsidized Moto X directly from your carrier. But it will work on any of the four nationwide cell phone companies. You can use the same exact phone on Sprint (S), T-Mobile (TMUS), AT&T (T, Tech30) or Verizon's (VZ, Tech30) networks. If T-Mobile is offering you a great deal in October, and Verizon gives you a better offer in November, you can switch with no strings attached.
Moto X纯净版无锁无合约,意味着你不需要从运营商那里直接购买Moto X。但是,Moto X适用于美国四大主流运营商中的任何一个,Sprint (S), T-Mobile (TMUS), AT&T (T, Tech30) 或Verizon's (VZ, Tech30) 。如果T-Mobile十月有优惠,Verizon十一月有优惠,你可以毫无限制的自由转换。
3.It costs just $399
What makes Motorola's new phone really stand out is the price. The Moto X Pure Edition costs about $350 less than the similarly sized Apple (AAPL, Tech30) iPhone 6 Plus and Samsung Galaxy Note 5. At $399, the Moto X Pure Edition is not only the best Android smartphone but the best phone deal as well.
摩托罗拉这部新手机最大的亮点在于价格。Moto X纯净版比苹果规模相似的iPhone 6 Plus和三星Galaxy Note 5便宜约350美元。至于399美元,Moto X纯净版不仅是最棒的安卓智能机,还是性价比最高的手机。