日期:2014-08-29 09:29


Photographers Create the Tiniest of Dramas onYour Dinner

Ifyou're playing with your mashed potatoes at dinner, it's a safe bet you'resocially uncomfortable or preoccupied by something. Unless, of course, you’rewith Pierre Javelle and Akiko Ida, inwhich case you’re probably helping them craft their next work of art. TheirMINIMIAM series uses fruit, vegetables, and sweets as the edible backdrops forsurprisingly engaging dramas played out by figurines like those used in model train sets.
如果你不时拨弄着晚饭中的土豆泥,那你一定心不在焉或在发呆。除非…你和Pierre Javelle、 AkikoIda一样,在这个情形下,帮助他们设计另一个艺术作品。他们的MINIMIAM系列是用水果、蔬菜、以及一些甜品,以食物做场景,在一套火车模型外布置一些小人,创造出令人惊奇的引人入胜的情景。

"This scale is really interesting as it allows you to work in thevery small," says Javelle. "The size of the figurines is perfect for creatingsurprising scenes with very ordinary elements."

Thefood often provides inspiration for the wide variety of cleverly crafted scenesthe married couple composes. The surface of a sprinkled donut becomes a rollinggolf course, the innards of a gourd an alien landscape with a healthy dashof RidleyScott. Other times, the figures fuelthe idea.

"For example, one of first images is a figurine of a man with a mowermowing, which gave us the urge to cut a kiwi," says Javelle, "especially sincea new breed of hairless kiwi appeared at our super market!"
例如,有这么一个场景,一个人偶推着割草机割着草,这时我们朝着一个猕猴桃推过去, 贾维尔说道,直到忽然发现一个特别的新品种---无毛猕猴桃在超市里诞生了!

Theseries, which began in 2002, includes more than 60 diptychs. The first of eachpair shows a close crop on a strange or funny scene playing out on unfamiliarterrain. The second image zooms out to reveal its culinary context,often inspiring a chuckle through a watering mouth. The figurines are 1/87scale — thepopular HO model train scale — purchased from hobbyshops. “They are about 1.2 cm (0.47 inches) tall, and itwould be very difficult for us to manufacture the figures with the detail yousee in our images,” says Javelle.
这个系列起始于2002年,由多达60对场景组成。其中第一步就是要用相关的食材搭建出古怪的或有趣的场景,展现出一个与众不同的地貌。第二步把它们缩小到可以烹饪的状态,(制作过程)常让人乐的直流口水。那些比例为1/87大小的人偶和火车模型都是从专卖店买来的,它们大约1.2厘米(0.47英寸)高。你看到的这些细致的场景,制作起来是非常难的。贾维尔 说道。

Theproject grew from the couple'sshared childhood interests in food and tiny things. Javelle cites Ida's early habitof creating wee comic strips and photographing piecesof food. Javelle grew up enamored by theminiscule pebble gardenhis grandmother had. “I was fascinated by the composition of the colorfulpebbles and tiny bridge,” he says. “This was a mind-blowing landscape thatreally impressed me.”

Thesmall scenes also imply larger concerns of today — GMOs, global warming, war,mankind's relationship with nature. "This desire to dominate, convert, enslavenature is a bit like what we do when cooking," says Javelle, whoalso insists that the images are not meant to be takentoo seriously. "The purpose of these images is, above all, to please people. Webelieve that art is not there only to reveal the injustices or the horror ofthe world. Sometimes of course it is a subtler means of conveying messages, butthe boundary between activism and artistic expression caneasily become blurred."


Inaddition to using food photography as means of expression and entertainment,the pair behind MINIMIAM also have successful careers as commercialphotographers of cuisine. Even as veterans of the trade, and with their artsitting on the plate, the urge to take a bite can be pretty hard to resist."Often when I place a figure next to a big piece of cake chocolate, Ihave a furious desire to become the figure," says Javelle. "But I would definitely have a very upset stomachafterwards."

Photos:Pierre Javelle and Akiko Ida

  • artisticadj. 艺术的
  • craftn. 工艺,手艺,狡诈,航空器,行会成员 vt. 手工制
  • scalen. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围 v. 依比例决定,攀登
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • enamoredadj. 迷恋的;倾心的 v. 迷住,使迷恋(enamo
  • revealvt. 显示,透露 n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧,门
  • urgevt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促 vi. 极力主张 n.
  • impressedadj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的
  • ediblen. 食品,食物 adj. 可食用的
  • inspiringadj. 令人振奋的,激励人的,鼓舞人心的