ONLY 3 percent of Shanghai women smoke but experts said yesterday that they are seeing a rising number of young women turning to cigarettes in the mistaken belief it will help them stay slim.
只有3%的上海女性吸烟,但专家昨日表示他们正看到越来越多的年轻女性求助于香烟,错误的认为香烟会帮助她们保持苗条 。
Doctors say smoking is never a good way to lose weight and is a bad habit that can damage the skin and cause fertility problems.
医生说吸烟是从来不是减肥的好方法,而是一个会损害皮肤且造成生育问题的坏习惯 。
Xu Liping, a doctor at the Shanghai Time Plastic Surgery Hospital, said more than 80 percent of female out-patients who smoke complained of skin problems.
上海时光整形外科医院的医生徐黎平称,吸烟的女性门诊患者超过80%抱怨皮肤问题 。
"Compared with men, women are more likely to suffer skin problems from smoking," Xu said. "They get more wrinkles, especially around their eyes and lips, compared to women who do not smoke."
“和男性相比,女性更容易因吸烟而患皮肤问题,”徐说 。“她们会比不吸烟的女性有更多的皱纹,尤其是在她们的眼周和嘴唇上 。”
"Instead of looking to get a facelift, I suggest these women quit smoking, which is the cause of all sorts of problems," he said.
“而非指望整容,我建议这些女性戒烟,这是导致各种各样问题的根源,”他说 。
He added: "In my clinic, 30 percent of smoking women are fatter than those who don't smoke."
他补充道:“在我的诊所,30%的吸烟女性比那些不吸烟的人要胖 。”
Hu Zhaoming, vice director of the Shanghai Association for Smoking Control, said that a long-held belief that smoking can keep people fit wasn't true.
上海控烟协会副主任胡兆明说长期以来人们普遍认为吸烟可以使人苗条的想法是错的 。
Alice Huang, 25, who saw doctors yesterday about spots on her face, was told laser therapy was the only answer. She was surprised to learn the spots were caused by smoking.
黄小姐爱丽丝,25岁,昨天因脸上斑点去看见医生,被告知激光治疗是唯一办法 。她惊讶地发现斑点是由吸烟引起的 。
Huang said she had read online that smoking could help control weight and that's why she took up the habit eight years ago.
黄小姐说她在网上看到吸烟可以帮助控制体重,这就是为什么八年前她染上了这个习惯 。