She is currently one of the world's most famous rappers.
Iggy Azalea 现在成了全世界上炙手可热的说唱歌手之一。
And Iggy Azalea has come a long way from her humble beginnings in small town country Australia.
Iggy Azalea 来自澳大利亚的一个小镇里,她从开始发展到现在一路过关斩将,经历了很多。
In new childhood snaps, a cute little Iggy is seen posing with her mother and younger sister Emerald in their Mullumbimby home in northern New South Wales.
最近 Iggy 贴出了她小时候和母亲和妹妹 Emerald 的合照,照片里他们一家还在澳大利亚新南威尔士州。
The 23-year-old blonde beauty left Australia when she was just 16-years-old and moved to the US to pursue her dream of becoming a famous rapper.
现年23岁的金发美女 Iggy 当初16岁就从澳大利亚来到了美国,为了追寻她的梦想成为一名著名的说唱歌手.
Her mother Tanya told The Northern Star that Azalea - who chose her stage name after her dog and the street she lived on - that she always had ambitions of being the 'female Eminem'.
Iggy 的母亲告诉记者,Azalea 是受她的狗狗的名字和她所住的街道名的启发起的艺名,她的志向是成为一名“女埃米纳姆”。
Although she might be climbing the dizzying heights of the global music industry with her killer hooks and bootylicious body, it seems Azalea hasn't forgotten where she came from.
虽然现在 Iggy 凭借着她姣好的身材和样貌成功攀升到全球音乐界的顶尖高度,但是Azalea 一直很谦虚,谨记她还是一个新人。