Hosting the Asian Film Awards for the first time, Macau put on the lights, cameras and action. The March 27 event, timed around the opening week of the Hong Kong International Film Festival, drew an eclectic mix of some 1,000 cinema talents, local business leaders, movie-star fans and casino patrons to a casino-hotel theater in the former Portuguese territory, an hour's ferry ride from Hong Kong.
首次举办亚洲电影大奖(Asian Film Awards)的澳门到处是灯光、摄影机和各种活动。本届亚洲电影大奖颁奖典礼在3月27日举行,正好与香港国际电影节(Hong Kong International Film Festival)开幕周临近。此次活动在澳门新濠天地水舞间剧院举行,吸引了近1,000名电影界人士、当地商界领袖、影星的粉丝和赌场主顾。
At the end of the night, the team behind the martial-arts drama 'The Grandmaster,' which dominated with 14 nominations, hauled home seven of the heavy awards, each in a shoebox-size carton: best film, best director, best actress, best production designer, best costume, best composer and best cinematographer. Director Wong Kar Wai used his stage time to remember Ju Kun, one of the movie's action choreographers and a passenger aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines3786.KU -2.38% Flight 370.
最终,获得14项提名的功夫电影《一代宗师》(The Grandmaster)成为当晚大赢家,共获七个重量级奖项,每个奖 都装在鞋盒子大小的纸盒中。这些奖项包括最佳电影、最佳导演、最佳女主角、最佳美术指导、最佳造型设计、最佳原创音乐和最佳摄影。导演王家卫在上台领奖时专门悼念了该片的一位武术指导鞠坤,鞠坤是失联的马来西亚航空(Malaysia Airlines) 370航班上的一位乘客。
'I hope the Malaysian government can try their best to address this issue by taking a more transparent attitude,' the filmmaker said.
The show combined the award ceremony, which featured many of the biggest names in Asian entertainment and a few French personalities--fashion entrepreneur-turned-filmmaker Agnes B and actress Isabelle Huppert presented awards--with performances by the venue's resident troupe of acrobats and dancers and its elaborate water-fountain effects.
此次活动不仅有颁奖典礼,还有该剧院常驻杂技和舞蹈剧团的表演,另外还有优美的水景喷泉效果。颁奖典礼云集了亚洲娱乐界的明星大腕以及法国娱乐界人士,其中包括时尚企业家转型的法国电影制作人Agnes B和颁奖嘉宾、法国女演员于佩尔(Isabelle Huppert)。
The impressive House of Dancing Water Theatre, and the show--created for the venue by former Cirque du Soliel director Franco Dragone--gave a boost to the award ceremony, which started almost an hour late. In a nod to the Ellen Degeneres's pizza gag at the Oscars, the show's five hosts served a number of the nominees local Macau treats, including egg tarts.
壮观的水舞间剧院以及由太阳剧团(Cirque du Soliel)前导演佛朗哥•德拉戈(Franco Dragone)为该剧院专门创作的精彩演出为颁奖典礼增添了色彩;典礼开始的时间晚了近一个小时。作为对德杰尼勒斯(Ellen Degeneres)在奥斯卡(Oscars)颁奖典礼上分发披萨的认可,本次电影大奖的五位主持人也向一些获提名的演员派送了蛋挞等澳门美食。
In a bid to broaden their relevance and scope, the awards are now jointly organized by Asia's most-established film festivals: The Hong Kong International Film Festival, the Busan International Film Festival and the Tokyo International Film Festival. The plan is to hold the annual ceremony in different cities in Asia, bringing it to new audiences in a part of the world where entertainment industries remain largely local, with limited crossover between cultures.
为了加深合作及扩大影响力,亚洲电影大奖如今由亚洲历史最悠久的电影节――香港国际电影节(Hong Kong International Film Festival)、釜山国际电影节(Busan International Film Festival)和东京国际电影节(Tokyo International Film Festival)联合主办,计划每年在亚洲的不同城市举办颁奖典礼,把它介绍给新的观众――目前亚洲娱乐产业仍主要面向本地观众,文化交流有限。
'We have come together because we believe what we do in future will be more impactful on the development of Asian cinema,' said Wilfred Wong, chairman of the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society.
香港国际电影节协会(Hong Kong International Film Festival Society)主席王英伟说,大家聚在一起,因为相信今后的行动将更有效地推动亚洲电影业发展。