1. Franklin D. Roosevelt
As long as our country has Shirley Temple, we will be all right. When the spirit of the people is lower than at any other time during this Depression, it is a splendid thing that for just 15 cents, an American can go to a movie and look at the smiling face of a baby and forget his troubles.
2. Temple's Bright Eyes co-star Jane Withers said she credits her big break to Temple
“If it hadn't been for Shirley Temple being the cutest most adorable little girl in the world, and they needed an opposite -- and boy I sure was it -- in Bright Eyes, I might've ended up selling hats in Atlanta, Georgia, my hometown, or something else.
… I'll never forget her as long as I live, and she'll always be in my heart with love and appreciation.”
3. SAG-AFTRA president Ken Howard released the following statement about Temple's death
Shirley was a terrific actor whose vibrancy and brilliance set audiences on fire at a crucial time in our nation's history. More important, she was a conscientious and caring citizen whose work on behalf of her union and her country exemplified true service.
She'll be greatly missed by so many, but never forgotten. She was a true icon of the entertainment industry and beloved by her colleagues in the acting profession. Shirley simply epitomized the word 'star.' There are few more deserving of her accolades, and I am personally so pleased that she was a recipient of our Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award.
她将被许许多多的人们深深思念,却永不会被遗忘。她是娱乐产业的真正标志同时也被表演同行们喜爱着。 秀兰最好诠释了“明星”一词。她获得过很多荣誉,然而我个人为她获得美国演员工会终身成就奖感到喜悦。