4. Daniel Etter. Istanbul, Turkey. June 1, 2013.
The scale of the protests took me by surprise. Living near Istanbul's Taksim Square, I am used to seeing demonstrations. The Gezi Park Protest seemed nothing exceptional at first. So I left Turkey for a story in the Ukraine. But as I was traveling, the movement to save Gezi Park turned into protests against the rule of Prime Minister Erdogan. I decided to fly back.
这场冲突的规模之大使我震惊。我住在伊斯坦布尔的塔克西姆(Taksim Square)广场附近,早已习惯了各种游行。一开始,这次加济公园(Gezi Park)抗议似乎并无异常。所以我离开土耳其前往乌克兰采访一起新闻。但是在我出发途中,挽救加济公园的行动演变为反对首相埃尔多安(Erdogan)政权的示威冲突。我决定飞回伊斯坦布尔。
The following night, I photographed youths clashing with police near the Prime Minister's office in Dolmabahce Palace. The protesters pushed towards his office and the police fought back with water cannons and enormous amounts of tear gas. To make it harder for the police to advance, the protesters built barracks out of everything they could find.
第二天晚上,我拍下了年轻抗议者在多尔马巴赫切宫(Dolmabahce Palace)总理府附近与警察发生激烈冲突的一幕。警察用水炮和大量催泪瓦斯阻止抗议者冲进总理府。抗议者用手边一切可能的材料修建路障,封堵警方。
On one of the barricades I saw this guy waving the Turkish flag, collapsing from the tear gas and retreating when it was too much too take. Even though I wore a gas mask, I had problems breathing. He did that a few times without any protection. I followed him for a while and took this frame.
The photo went viral within minutes after I posted it on Facebook and a Turkish friend shared it. Within hours 10,000 people posted it, made it their profile picture and appropriated it. It appeared on t-shirts and posters and, oddly, was turned into a monument in Turkey's third biggest city, Izmir.