On a mild autumn day about three months ago, the head of China’s main sovereign wealth fund visited an office on Place Vendôme in Paris, just across from the Ritz Hotel. Accompanied by his staff — but with no attendant fanfare — Ding Xuedong, chairman of China Investment Corporation, had come to pay his respects to Dominique Senequier.
大约3个月前一个风和日丽的秋日,中国主要财富主权基金负责人来到巴黎旺多姆广场的一个办公室,对面是丽兹酒店(Ritz hotel)。中投公司(CIC)董事长丁学东在工作人员的陪同下,低调拜访了法国私人股本基金经理多米尼克•塞内基耶(Dominique Senequier)。
The meeting, captured by a photograph now sitting on the marble mantelpiece of Ms Senequier’s 18th-century wood-panelled office, is testament to the international clout of the French private equity fund manager.
The 61-year-old executive oversees $50bn of assets — the largest and most diversified platform of its kind in Europe — after spinning off her employer , Ardian, from French insurer Axa a year ago.
The creation of Ardian, previously known as Axa Private Equity, turned out to be one of the greatest challenges in Ms Senequier’s three-decade career in the sector, not least because French politics lurched to the left at a crucial time for the deal.
Ardian的前身是安盛私人股本(Axa Private Equity)。它的诞生是塞内基耶在该领域30年职业生涯中最大的挑战之一,尤其是因为法国政治在交易的关键时期突然向左转。
Ms Senequier recalls how drastic tax increases on capital gains and high earners announced by President François Hollande jeopardised the planned spin-off. For months, the fund manager was unable to estimate its costs.
塞内基耶回忆道,法国总统弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)宣布大幅提高资本利得税税率和针对高收入人群的税收,一度危及剥离计划。在长达几个月的时间里,这位基金经理无法估算其成本。
“We didn’t know what measures parliament would pass. Investors willing to back us in the spin-off were not able to predict our cash flows. That was very complicated,” she says.
That experience has helped to feed a general frustration with the way her business and industry is treated in France — in spite of all the attention lavished on it by foreign dignitaries. Ms Senequier would even go so far as to say that being a woman in this male-dominated world has been less of a burden than being French.
“We get absolutely no support,” she snaps. “France does not really understand what we do. We are one of the biggest in our field, which means something abroad, but not in France. Private equity is not part of the country’s culture.”
Unlike the US, home of the world’s biggest buyout firms, such as Blackstone, KKRand Carlyle, France does not have any significant pension funds that are able to provide private equity groups with a local base for growth.
In addition, politicians do not fully grasp the role of finance in the economy and have consistently sought to undermine it, she says. Mr Hollande, for instance, identified the world of finance as his “true adversary” during his 2012 campaign.
The hostility at home obliges her to do a lot of explaining when raising money from North American pension plans and sovereign wealth funds in Asia and the Middle East. “For about 15 years, our political leaders have launched attacks against finance. When you travel, you have to answer a lot of questions about that,” she says.
About 80 per cent of its assets are invested outside France, largely in the US, and its fund of funds team, which invests in buyout funds and is the company’s largest unit, has recently moved to London — not for tax reasons she insists, but to comply with new European legislation.
She says she will not relocate her company’s headquarters elsewhere. “France is going through a lot of instability but it is a big, resilient economy,” she says.
Ms Senequier was born in Toulon; her father was a marine engineer. One of the first seven women to graduate from Ecole Polytechnique, France’s elite engineering school, she spent five years in the finance ministry as an insurance commissioner, then set up insurer GAN’s private equity arm in 1985.
塞内基耶出生于土伦,父亲是一名航海工程师。她毕业于法国一流工程院校——巴黎综合理工学院(Ecole Polytechnique),是该校首批7名女性毕业生之一。塞内基耶毕业后在财政部当了5年的保险事务专员,随后于1985年在保险公司GAN创办了私人股本部门。
A decade later, she attempted to spin off the unit, securing funding from London-based investment firm Electra Fleming. But her bid was rejected in a highly political process that involved a bailout of GAN by the French state.
10年后,她试图将该部门剥离出去,并从伦敦投行Electra Fleming筹得了资金。但在一个高度政治化的过程(涉及法国政府纾困GAN)中,她的出价被拒绝了。
Forced to leave, she turned to Claude Bébéar, Axa’s then chief executive and a fellow Polytechnique alumnus. Called the “godfather of French capitalism” for his influence over France’s corporate life, Mr Bébéar offered to help her start Axa’s private equity business, pledging to match half of what she raised from other investors.
被迫离开GAN后,她求助于时任安盛首席执行官的克洛德•贝贝阿(Claude Bébéar)。同样毕业于巴黎综合理工学院的贝贝阿,因其在法国商界拥有的影响力而被称为“法国资本主义的教父”。他提供机会,让她开创安盛的私人股本业务,他还承诺贡献资金,数额为她从其他投资者那里筹得资金总额的一半。