Members of South Africa's deaf community have accused a sign-language interpreter at Nelson Mandela's televised memorial of making up his hand gestures, rendering the service for the late statesman all but incomprehensible.
南非聋人团体成员称,纳尔逊・曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)通过电视直播的追悼会上的手语翻译“自创”手语手势,让其无法理解这位刚去世的政治家的追悼会上到底发生了什么。
The man could be seen standing just behind the podium where South African and world leaders spoke to a 90,000-seat Johannesburg soccer stadium on live television. Yet for those who understand sign language--physical movements used to communicate speech to the hearing-impaired--the man didn't make sense, according to Franois Deysel, who trains sign-language interpreters for the South African National Council for the Deaf, or DeafSA.
这名手语翻译就站在演讲台的旁边,南非和全球领导人在约翰内斯堡能容纳9万名观众的足球场的这个演讲台上发表讲话,整个过程通过电视直播。然而,戴塞尔(Francois Deysel)说,对那些懂手语(用来向听力障碍人士传达信息的身体动作)的人来说,这名翻译的手势完全看不懂。戴塞尔为南非全国聋人理事会(South African National Council for the Deaf, 简称DeafSA)训练手语翻译。
'Zero accuracy,' he said of the fluid hand motions. The man, who hasn't been publicly identified, 'made a mockery of our profession,' Mr. Deysel added.
Speaking to reporters Wednesday, the minister in the presidency, Collins Chabane, said the government was still looking into the matter, and had no further details, but added: 'We are clear in defending the rights and dignity of people with disabilities.'
南非总统府部长沙巴纳(Collins Chabane)周三对记者说,政府仍在调查此事,没有进一步细节可以提供。不过他补充说,有一点很明确,那就是我们要维护残障人士的权利和尊严。
Mr. Mandela, who died Thursday, attracted more than 90 heads of state to his memorial. Movie stars and rock musicians also attended. Ordinary South Africans braved a daylong downpour to pay their last respects to the country's first black president, whose resistance to racial segregation--known as apartheid--kept him behind bars for 27 years.
U.S. President Barack Obama was among those to offer tributes along with leaders from Brazil, India, China and Cuba. Through it all, impromptu bands played and people cheered and danced. They also jeered the current South African president, Jacob Zuma.
美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)在追悼会上致辞,其他致辞的还有来自巴西、印度、中国和古巴的领导人。在整个追悼会过程中都有乐队进行即兴表演,人们一边欢呼一边跳舞。他们还大声嘲笑了南非现任总统祖马(Jacob Zuma)。
South African leaders, at several points, exhorted the crowd to be quiet and to show some discipline.
Mr. Deysel of DeafSA said his organization maintains a database of professional sign-language interpreters who are hired for major public speeches, including presidential inaugurations. He said the man up on stage at Mr. Mandela's memorial was largely an unknown.
'I don't know why he was used,' he said. 'We couldn't understand him.'