最近,身边总有人提醒要注意身体,不要传染了感冒病毒。殊不知,这世上能传染的并不只有病毒,欢乐的、悲伤的情绪传染性也是很强的。据说,连离婚这样的事情也能在朋友之间传染呢。这不,刚在《非诚勿扰2》里面办完离婚典礼的姚晨也离婚了。 扎堆儿离婚:离婚群聚效应
According to a new study, divorce is catching. The researchers have called it “divorce clustering” and say that a split up between immediate friends increases your own chances of getting divorced by 75%. The effect drops to 33% if the divorce is between friends of a friend, what the researchers call two degrees of separation, then disappears almost completely at three degrees of separation。
It is not only the marital status of friends but also siblings and colleagues which has a significant effect on how long your own marriage might last. Breaking up will catch on among your friends, and the more divorcees you know, the higher your own chances of becoming one。