'I've never seen as much innovation in television as there is right now, ' says Ulf Ewaldsson, chief technology officer at Swedish telecom-equipment giant Ericsson, which plans to step up its own TV efforts.
瑞典电信设备巨头爱立信(Ericsson)首席技术长艾华信(Ulf Ewaldsson)说,目前电视业的创新程度是我从未见过的。爱立信计划加大力度进军电视业。
Propelling the activity are changes that have made the Internet a more viable delivery medium, including the growing proportion of customers with broadband service.
Despite the developments, much is missing from Internet-based services. Popular programming, including live sports and news, is often limited to conventional carriers by licensing restrictions.
When large video libraries are available, finding specific programs can be cumbersome -- especially with conventional remotes. Most TV services also lag the Web and mobile apps in helping discover new content.
'The phone, the laptop and the tablet have advanced so dramatically, ' says Tom Rogers, chief executive of TiVo Inc., the DVR pioneer. 'Television has been drastically left behind.'
数字硬盘录像设备先驱TiVo Inc.的首席执行长罗杰斯(Tom Rogers)说,电话、笔记本电脑和平板电脑取得了突飞猛进的发展,电视被远远地落在了后面。
Tech companies trying to change that include Apple. Since 2007, it has sold an add-on box called Apple TV for streaming content, but has been mum about new TV offerings. The company has tested designs for its own televisions, executives at Apple suppliers have said.
苹果是试图改变这一点的科技公司之一。2007年以来,苹果开始发售名为Apple TV的流媒体机顶盒,但它对提供电视机新产品却一直保持沉默。苹果供应商高管说,苹果已对其电视机设计进行了测试。
Apple has explored a number of new features for such a product, people familiar with the situation have said, including integrating DVR storage and its iCloud Internet syncing and data-storage service, and voice-interaction capabilities.
Microsoft is also promoting voice recognition as it positions its game consoles and companion Kinect controller for a broad role in home entertainment. The company's Xbox One, due out this fall, allows customers to navigate to programs by speaking commands such as 'Go to ESPN, ' or 'I want to watch 'Breaking Bad.''
微软也在推进语音识别功能,欲让其游戏机和kinect控制器在家庭娱乐中发挥广泛作用。微软定于今秋发布Xbox One,用户可通过口授命令来观看具体节目,如“打开ESPN(娱乐体育节目电视网)”或“我想看《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)”。
One basic challenge is simply managing the growing array of content options, including movies from Netflix, Web-originated fare like YouTube, conventional live TV and video consumers have recorded.
Comcast is promising search advances as well as personalization features in X2, the cable giant's name for a new entertainment operating system.
That software, which Comcast plans to begin rolling out by the end of the year, is designed to recommend content currently on live TV based on tracking a customer's past viewing habits as well as topics trending on Twitter and Facebook. Comcast says X2's interface can work on TVs, PCs and mobile devices, and supports voice searching capability.
One feature Intel has decided not to pursue for now is a camera equipped with facial-recognition software to help personalize offerings for each user in a household. Mr. Huggers says the technology didn't work well enough in the low lighting common when watching TV and raised privacy questions.