The Irish Claddagh Rings are probably the most culturally rich pieces of jewelry ever recorded in history. The meaning, significance and history of the Cladagh ring has a rich ancient past that dates back to over 300 years. The design of the Cladag ring and even the way the ring is worn are all deeply rooted in Irish tradition. Today, the meaning of the Claddagh ring and the significance of wearing Claddagh rings has spread far and wide. The Cladaugh ring is made and worn far beyond the small fishing village in Ireland where the tradition started over 300 years ago.
爱尔兰克拉达戒大概是载入历史的最具有传统文化意义的首饰 。克拉达戒指的历史可以追溯到300年前的古代爱尔兰 。克拉达戒指的巧妙设计以及其蕴含不同意义的佩戴方法都充分体现了爱尔兰传统 。今天,克拉达戒指的内在含义以及佩戴方法的精妙之处都为全世界人所知,这个小小的“魔戒”不再是爱尔兰独有的产物 。
Meaning of the Claddagh ring. What do the Cladagh rings mean?
The meaning of the claddagh ring is what gives the ring it's significance. Over the years the cladagh ring has brought up designs with minor variations, the basic meaning and significance of the Irish claddagh ring has however been retained. The hands of the ring are shown holding the heart and the hands denote friendship and togetherness, the heart itself signifies love and the crown in the claddagh ring stands for loyalty. It is this meaning of the claddagh rings that make them an ideal choice for all occassions, wedding rings, birth stone rings, engagement rings, mothers day rings and rings for just about any other occassion. The deep and true meaning of the Irish claddagh rings has also put them into a group of rings referred to as the faith rings. In today's materialistic world where love, friendship and loyalty are becoming increasingly rarer by the day, the claddagh ring with it's realistic and worthy meaning makes an ideal gift to give and to receive.
克拉达戒指的真真价值在于它所表达的丰富意义 。克拉达戒指流传至今在设计细节上有小小的变动,然而这颗小小“魔戒”的内涵却一直保留至今 。戒指的图案是一双手捧着一颗心,在心的顶端有个皇冠 。这双手代表着友谊和不分离;而心代表着爱;而皇冠代表着对爱的忠诚 。因为克拉达戒指的独特意义,很多人将它作为婚戒、出生礼物、订婚戒、母情节礼物....也正是因为克拉达戒指的意义,很多人也将其当成是自己信仰的标志,佩戴在手上 。在当今社会,物质的欲望往往大过精神世界,这颗小小的“魔戒”作为信物,任然捍卫者人们的爱情、友谊以及忠诚 。
History of the Claddagh ring. The Claddagh Irish tradition.
The history of the Claddagh ring dates back to over 300 years. A small fishing village in Ireland called the Claddagh was where the tradition of the Claddagh rings first started. The word Claddagh itself comes from the Irish term 'An Cladach' that means a 'flat stony shore'. This was a pretty and ancient village with winding streets and small thatched roofed mud houses. Modernisation has changed all that now but the tradition of the Claddagh ring lives on and has infact grown much stronger in many parts of the world.
克拉达戒指的历史可以追溯到300年以前的爱尔兰 。在爱尔兰一个叫克拉达的小渔村就是克拉达戒指的发源地 。克拉达戒指在爱尔兰语里的意思是“平坦的石岸” 。克拉达在古代是个美丽而古老的村庄,蜿蜒的街道和泥土坯的草房子是这个村庄的特色景观 。然而现代化让村庄的特色不复存在,而克拉达戒指却让爱尔兰传统文化延续下来,为世界所接受 。
Wearing the Claddagh ring. Which hand to wear Cladag Rings.
The meaning and significance of the Claddagh ring is not just in the crown, heart and clasping hands, it also extends to the hand on which the ring is worn and the direction in which the crown on the ring points. In case of a married or engaged person Claddagh rings are worn on the left hand with the crown pointing away from the (the person wearing the ring) heart. For a person willing to consider love the ring is traditionally worn on the right hand with the crown pointing away from the heart. For a person not interested in starting a relationship the Cladagh ring is worn on the right hand with the crown pointing towards the heart.
爱尔兰戒指的意义不仅仅在于它设计的意义,佩戴克拉大戒指的方法也十分重要 。如果是结了婚或是已经订婚,戒指应该戴在左手,并且皇冠(心尖)朝外;如果你还在寻找你的爱人,按照传统,戒指应该佩戴在左手,并且皇冠(心尖)朝外;如果你还不想恋爱,戒指就应该佩戴在右手,并且皇冠(心尖)朝向自己 。