Two things can be said about the wealthy Chinese these days. It seems they no longer know what to do with their money. If they’re not buying up empty apartment buildings, they’re buying Ferrettis and dining with the Prince of Monaco. Another thing…they are in love with U.S. brands and Made for TV U.S. lifestyles.
If they’re not buying up LA and Orange County Barbie Dream Houses, they’re out scouring the best American private schools to prepare their teens for the Ivy Leagues. And now, they are all over the American wedding planner. Saying I do in Mandarin is not the same without it being followed by Buster Pointdexter’s Hot! Hot! Hot!
他们不是在洛杉矶或奥兰治县买入芭比梦幻屋(Barbie Dream House),就是在搜寻最好的美国私立学校,为的是给自己十几岁的孩子将来进入常青藤学习做准备。而现在,他们又开始迷恋美国婚礼策划师。如果用中文说出“我愿意”之后,紧接着播放的不是巴斯特·坡因特德克斯特(Buster Pintdexter)的《热!热!热!》(Hot! Hot! Hot!)的话,那味道可是不一样的。
“The rich in China today are looking beyond the usual luxury travel and are going after experiences, ” says Christine Lu, founder of Affinity China, a New York to LA to Shanghai firm that helps set up those unique experiences with Chinese travelers heading to the States. “They want to do things that the rest of the wealthy are not yet doing and getting married in California is one of them, ” she told Forbes in a recent interview.
“现如今,中国的富有阶级所追求的已经不是寻常的那种奢华旅游,他们追求的是一种经历。”Affinity China创始人克里斯汀·路(Christine Lu)如是表示。这是一家帮助前往美国旅行的中国游客打造独特体验的机构,在纽约、洛杉矶和上海设有分支机构。“他们想要做那些其他富有人群还未做过的事情,其中之一就是在加州结婚。”最近在接受福布斯采访时,克里斯汀如是表示。
Here’s the good news for young American wedding planners looking for adventure. The market for Chinese weddings in the U.S. is small, but growing. The market for Chinese in China looking for American wedding planners is booming.
Getting married in China is big business. About $57 billion is spent annually on 10 million weddings a year. The families spend on the usual: photographs, limos, wedding gowns and honeymoons — to the U.S. or at home. About a tenth of the total expense traditionally goes to the wedding banquet, according to the China Wedding Industry Development Report described in China Daily this weekend. Around 50% of the couples getting married are now turning to wedding planners to help organize the show, according to the website of Weddings Beautiful Worldwide, a 45 year old American firm that teaches how to be a planner.
在中国,婚庆市场可谓遍地黄金。中国每年举办的婚礼约有1,000万场,总支出达到570亿美元。新人家庭一般会在这几个方面花钱:婚纱照、婚车、婚纱和蜜月——去美国或是在国内旅游。据上周末《中国日报》刊登的《中国婚庆行业发展报告》称,一场婚礼的总支出中,约有十分之一的钱是花在婚宴上。而据Weddings Beautiful Worldwide网站,约有50%的新人现在愿意请婚礼策划师来协助组织仪式。该网站拥有45年历史,主要教授如何成为一名婚礼策划师。
Weddings Beautiful China is a joint venture with Weddings by Ling Ying — a young company that caters to affluent Chinese couples, expats and Chinese A-listers. They opened their doors, bringing American style over-the-top weddings to Beijing in 2011. Another office opened in Shanghai in 2012 and a branch was just launched last week in Suzhou, a smaller city in Jiangsu Province a few miles away from Lake Taihu.
中国美丽婚礼(Weddings Beautiful China)是和柏灵(Weddings by Ling Ying)合作成立的合资企业。柏灵是一家年轻的公司,服务于富裕的中国新人、外籍人士和中国精英人士。2011年,他们将美式奢华婚礼带到了北京;2012年,在上海设立了办公室;上周,在距太湖几英里处的江苏苏州,又开张了一家新的分支机构。
Get your DJ equipment and your vintage Miami Sound Machine CDs and head to China. You’ll be sure to kill it introducing them to the wedding Conga line.