In the past, the Council of Fashion Designers of America has bestowed its Eugenia Sheppard Award for media on a wide range of journalists: newspaperpeople (Teri Agins, Patrick McCarthy); magazine editors of various stripes (Paul Cavaco, Candy Pratts Price); photographers (Bill Cunningham, Bruce Weber); and bloggers (Scott Schuman and Garance Doré).
过去,美国时装设计师协会(Council of Fashion Designers of America)曾把时尚编辑记者奖(Eugenia Sheppard Award)授予各种新闻人:特丽·阿金斯(Teri Agins)、帕特里克·麦卡锡(Patrick McCarthy)等报人;保罗·卡瓦科(Paul Cavaco)、坎迪·普拉特·普赖斯(Candy Pratts Price)等各种杂志编辑;比尔·坎宁安(Bill Cunningham)、布鲁斯·韦伯(Bruce Weber)等摄影师和斯科特·舒曼(Scott Schuman)、加朗斯·多雷(Garance Doré)等博客写手。
This year, recalling the moment when Time magazine made “You” Person of the Year in 2006, the award will go to Instagram.
Made on Monday, by the CFDA’s president, Diane von Furstenberg, after she was trailed by “House of DVF” cameras to a Swarovski crystal-encrusted dais in the Weather Room on the 67th floor of Rockefeller Center, this announcement was the only real surprise from a list of nominations that included many names from the past. For women’s wear, the contenders will be Joseph Altuzarra (last year’s winner), Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors, Lazaro Hernandez and Jack McCollough of Proenza Schouler and Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen of the Row. The men’s wear nominees are Dao-Yi Chow and Maxwell Osborne of Public School, David Neville and Marcus Wainwright of Rag & Bone, Thom Browne, Tim Coppens and Tom Ford.
周一,《黛安·冯芙丝汀宝之家》(House of DVF)的镜头跟随美国时装设计师协会主席黛安·冯芙丝汀宝(Diane von Furstenberg)来到洛克菲勒中心67层的气象房(Weather Room)。她在镶满施华洛世奇水晶的讲台上宣布了这一决定。它是一系列提名中唯一真正令人意外的,提名名单中包括很多过去出现过的名字。获得年度女装设计师提名的有约瑟夫·奥图扎拉(Joseph Altuzarra,去年的获奖者)、马克·雅可布(Marc Jacobs)、迈克·高仕(Michael Kors)、普罗恩萨·施罗(Proenza Schouler)的拉扎罗·埃尔南德斯(Lazaro Hernandez)和杰克·麦科洛(Jack McCollough),以及Row的设计师阿什莉和玛丽-凯特·奥尔森(Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen)。获得年度男装设计师提名的有公立学校(Public School)的周道一和马克斯韦尔·奥斯本(Maxwell Osborne)、瑞格布恩(Rag & Bone)的大卫·内维尔(David Neville)和马库斯· 温赖特(Marcus Wainwright)、桑姆·布郎尼(Thom Browne)、蒂姆·科庞(Tim Coppens)和汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)。
Mr. Chow and Mr. Osborne are also nominated in the up-and-comers’ category for women’s wear, along with Ryan Roche and Rosie Assoulin. “Honestly, I’m just so happy to be in this room,” Ms. Assoulin said, standing near a window with a vertiginous view of the bright red H&M logo at 4 Times Square.
周道一和奥斯本还获得了最具潜力女装设计师提名,获得这一提名的还有瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roche)和罗茜·阿苏利纳(Rosie Assoulin)。“实话说,能来这个房间我已经很高兴了,”阿苏利纳说。她站在窗边,透过窗户能看到时报广场4号炫目的鲜红色H&M招牌。
Their counterparts in fledgling men’s wear are Hood by Air, Orley and Ovadia & Sons.
获得最具潜力男装设计师提名的是Hood by Air、Orley和Ovadia & Sons的设计师。
Perhaps still blinking after Rihanna showed up in a transparent dress to last year’s ceremony, the CFDA has elected not to anoint a so-called Fashion Icon in 2015. But the Geoffrey Beene Lifetime Achievement Award, most recently claimed by Mr. Ford, 53, will be given to Betsey Johnson, 72, who promised that her acceptance speech at Alice Tully Hall on June 1 will be characteristically freestyle.
美国时装设计师协会也许仍对去年蕾哈娜(Rihanna)身穿透明连衣裙现身颁奖礼感到震惊,它决定2015年不颁发所谓的时尚偶像奖(Fashion Icon)。不过,终身成就奖将授予72岁的贝齐·约翰逊(Betsey Johnson)。她说,6月1日她在爱丽丝·杜莉音乐厅(Alice Tully Hall)发表获奖致辞时将会即兴自由发挥。去年获得终身成就奖的是53岁的汤姆·福特。
“I don’t want to practice anything,” Ms. Johnson said, wearing a scarlet knit gown slung with multiple charms and clutching a glass of Champagne, having strung her handbag over a publicist’s shoulder. “I already asked my grandkids: I said, ‘I get this award, you have to come on stage with me and we all do cartwheels.’ It’s going to be adorable.”
But who will dress Instagram?