Working Out
"My mom and I de-stress by working it out on the squash court! It's a great, healthy way to bond and let off a little steam."
- Meredith Melnick
“我妈妈和我通过在壁球室锻炼来缓解压力!这是一种很好的健康方式来联络感情和流一点汗 。”
- Meredith Melnick
Spa Days
"Mother-daughter spa days!!! #qualitytime"
- @jacqpiano
“母女spa日! ! !# 高质量时间”
- @jacqpiano
Tea & Sympathy
"My mom has such a gentle, calming presence that just being in her company always helps me cool down. But when I first get home from a long flight, we like to decompress with an evening in, talking, chatting, drinking tea and watching old movies."
- Carolyn Gregoire
“我妈妈是那么温柔平静的存在,以至于只要有她陪伴总是能帮助我冷静下来 。但是当我第一次在长途飞行后回家,我们喜欢花一个晚上来解压,说话、聊天、喝茶、看老电影 。”
- Carolyn Gregoire
Reading Aloud
"As a kid, my mother almost always read to me before bed to help me unwind. Eventually, she recorded some of my favorite stories on a tape that I could play for myself when I couldn't sleep."
- Sarah Klein
“小时候,我妈妈总是在睡觉前给我讲故事帮助我放松 。最后,她会在录音带上记录一些我最喜欢的故事,以便当我睡不着的时候可以自己播放 。”
——Sarah Klein
Her De-Stressing Advice
"When I'm stressed at the end of the day, my mom's advice is to stop everything I'm doing and go take a hot shower and put on pajamas. It's simple advice, but I almost always get out of the shower feeling a little bit more relaxed and in control of my life."
- Taylor Trudon
“当我在一天结束的时候压力重重,我妈妈的建议是停下我所做的一切,去洗个热水澡,穿上睡衣 。这是简单的建议,但我几乎总是走出淋浴时感觉稍微轻松点,且掌控着我的生活 。”
- Taylor Trudon
Talking It Out
"Being able to talk to my mom eases my stress #thankful"
- @shimmerkhd
- @shimmerkhd
Her Loving Presence
"Unconditional love is the answer, to all questions!"
- @TakisKouvatseas
- @TakisKouvatseas
Getting Her Input
"She will most likely tell me how to remedy the issue or task at hand."
- @DJoh0606
“她将很可能告诉我如何补救这个问题或手头的任务 。”
- @DJoh0606