Was it something she ate? Pretty much!
Winona Ryder is making a grand return to the spotlight, and she's sharing some tricks of the trade she's learned along the way.
薇诺娜•赖德正重回聚光灯下,她分享了自己一路走来学到的一些谈判技巧 。
For one: Just say no to nibbling scenes. While filming the lesser-known 1990 teen comedy Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael, Ryder, then 19, says she learned this the hard way.
第一:直接拒绝啃咬食物的场景 。1990年在拍摄鲜为人知的青少年喜剧《我很酷,但我很精灵》时,赖德,那时 19,说她很艰辛地学到这一点 。
"There's a scene in my bedroom where I start eating Almond Roca," Ryder, 41, tells PEOPLE while promoting her new film The Iceman in New York City. "I was so young. It was before I knew the tricks of moviemaking, and I didn't know you shoot a lot of different angles."
“有一个场景是在我的卧室我开始吃杏仁糖,” 41岁的赖德在纽约宣传其新电影《冰人》时告诉《人物》 。“我那时如此年轻 。在我知道电影制作的技巧之前,我不知道别人会从很多不同角度来拍摄 。”
One tasty toffee led to another. "I gobbled them and didn't realize I had to keep doing it," says Ryder, "So I had to eat 64 Almond Roca that day. I got so sick."
美味的太妃糖一个接着一个 。“我吞噬着它们,没有意识到我必须继续这样做,”赖德说,“所以那天我不得不吃了64颗糖 。我病得那么厉害 。”
Dozens of popular films and food scenes later, Ryder says it's a feeling she's never forgotten.
经历很多流行电影和食物场景后,赖德说这是一种她永远不会忘记的感觉 。
"In the beginning you're like, 'Ooh, that looks good.' But hours later, no. Now when I do a film, you never see me eating. I'll be doing this," says the actress, motioning towards her mouth, "but rarely do I ever put it in."
“一开始你就想,‘哦,看起来很不错 。’但几小时后,不 。现在我拍电影时,你永远不会看到我吃 。我将一直这样做,”这位女演员说,用嘴巴示意了一下,“我很少放进嘴里的 。”