THE normal dating rules don't apply when it comes to models, according to Victoria's Secret star Jess Hart. In an interview with gossip website Popeater, Hart lays down do's and don'ts for regular guys contemplating making a move on glamazons like herself.The gap-toothed Australian beauty has warned ordinary blokes everywhere - stay away.
大多数男人都渴望能拥有一个名模女友,但是维多利亚的秘密(Victoria's Secret)的御用模特Jess Hart却发出警告:普通男性还是别存这样的幻想,因为名模都是肉食女(girls of prey,从日本诞生的一个新名词,用于形容那些主动追求男性的女性——注)。她特别告诫普通男性,相比于傻呼呼地乱搭讪、碰钉子,还是耐心等候她们发出信号为好。在接受八卦网站Popeater的采访时,Hart列出了普通男性在面对像她一样的美女时应注意的事项。这位在时尚界掀起大齿缝潮流的澳洲美人提出的首个注意事项就是:不要幻想能攀上名模。
Spy a stunning model in a bar and thinking about trying your chances?"Don't," the Sports Illustrated cover girl commands.The beautiful aren’t interested in the bold according to Hart."If you see me, or another model, in a bar wait until you are spoken too before you speak,” she orders.
很多男性会有这样一个幻想:在酒吧里偶遇炙手可热的模特,在幽黯的灯光和动人心弦的音乐中,或许能够上演一段平民男性牵手名模的现代童话故事。但是这位Sports Illustrated的封面女郎则毫不客气地戳破这个幻想。“千万别干这种傻事。”Hart称,莽行可不能打动美女的心。“当你(男性)在酒吧里看见我或者另一些名模时,在我们跟你搭话前,最好免开尊口。”
The 24-year-old declared that if any of the clothes horses’ fancy a guy, they’ll be the ones doing the wooing.“If we are interested in you we will make the first move," she says.
Hart also issued words of warning to aspiring models tempted to try break into the notoriously tough industry via a reality show like America’s Next Top Model."No way, that's the beginning of the end," Hart admitted.
此外,Hart还告诫那些野心勃勃的新人们,若想借助诸如全美超模大赛(America’s Next Top Model)这类真人秀打进这个众所周知的残酷行业是基本上不可能的。“别走这条路,走进赛场,你的模特生涯就划上句号了。”