上大学的时候看过一本书叫做《24重人格》,说的是一个人的身体里藏着24个不同的性格侧面,每个侧面都表现出截然不同的处事风格。当然,这应该是个极端的例子。我们平常人身体里能有个两三面就已经很复杂了,哪里受得了那么多个自己进进出出呢。我们今天要说的这个表达people voice就是在说我们跟陌生人打交道时表现出的那一面。
People voice is the voice that someone uses when talking to strangers or people they are not familiar with. This voice is automatically happy, nicer and sweeter than their normal voice. It is often with a higher pitch. This is often the voice people use when answering a phone call or when working in retails.
For example:
She so used her people voice when she was talking to that customer over there. Did you hear how sweet she was? She never sounds like that normally!