A lot of women in politics (we’re not naming names!) have been criticized for spending too much time and money on their hair, but Hillary Clinton certainly isn’t one of them.
很多政治女性 (我们不指名道姓!)已经为花太多的时间和金钱在她们的头发上而遭受批评,但希拉里•克林顿显然不在其中 。
“I do not travel with any hairdresser, or anybody, to help me do that,” Clinton said during the Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating People of 2012 special, which aired Wednesday night on ABC News.
“我不和任何理发师一起出行,或任何帮助我做头发的人,”克林顿在2012年特辑芭芭拉•沃尔特斯十大最精彩人物上说,周三晚上于ABC新闻上播出 。
And get this: She doesn’t even stop by a salon while traveling to get her hair done before a big event. “It just got to be really burdensome to try to find a hairdresser in some city, somewhere, oftentimes not being able to speak English, that at least I could communicate with,” she added.
因此结论是:在一件大活动之前去做头发时她甚至不会为一个沙龙而驻足 。“这只是会真的压力很大,在某个城市某个地方试图找到一个美发师,通常不能说英语,那至少我可以与之沟通,”她补充道 。
That’s why Clinton decided to take matters into her own hands. “It became simpler to just grow it.”
这就是为什么克林顿决定把问题交到自己手里 。“随它生长就变得更简单 。”
But Clinton made it clear that hair styling is not her forte. “I’m not very competent myself. I’ve been admitting that for years, which should be obvious to everyone,” she joked.
但克林顿明确表示发型设计并非她的专长 。“我自己并不是很能干 。多年来我已经承认这点,这对每个人都应该是显而易见的,”她开玩笑说 。
And though she deals with much more important issues than what she wears or how she does her hair, Clinton doesn’t mind that her appearance is often a hot topic. “It’s fascinating to me how people are so curious about it,” she shared. Tell us: Are you surprised that Clinton does her own hair?
尽管她要处理比她的穿著或她自己怎么做头发更重要的问题,但克林顿并不介意她的外表往往是一个热门话题 。“吸引我的是人们对此是多么好奇,”她分享道 。告诉我们:你对克林顿自己做头发惊讶吗?