Matthew and Lady Mary get ready to walk down the aisle in season 3; sneak a peek at her dress and more here!
Forget the royal nuptials. The real wedding of the century belongs to Downton Abbey's Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery, pictured with on-screen father Hugh Bonneville) and Matthew Crawley (Dan Stevens, not pictured). After much on-again, off-again angst, the couple capped off season 2 with a romantic engagement and are ready to walk down the aisle in season 3.
忘记皇室婚礼吧 。真正的世纪婚礼当属《唐顿庄园》的淑女玛丽(米歇尔•达科里,上图是与屏幕上的父亲休•博纳维尔)和马修•克劳莱(丹•史蒂文斯,不在此图中) 。经过不断分分合合的焦灼,这对情侣在第二季剧终时浪漫订婚并准备在第三季走红毯 。
Season 3 kicks off just two months after the proposal, with the Crawleys — including Matthew, left, and in-law Branson (Allen Leech) — preparing for the grand celebration. That's not to say it actually takes place, however. ''We don't start with the wedding necessarily happening,'' teases creator Julian Fellowes, who is well aware of the expectations surrounding this event.
在订婚后仅仅两个月第三季就开拍了,和克劳利一家——包括马修(左)和姻亲布兰森(Allen Leech)——准备盛大的庆典 。然而这并不是说它真的发生了 。“我们并不以一定会发生的婚礼开篇,”创作者朱利安•费洛嘲笑道,清楚的知道关于这个事件的预期 。
Though Fellowes wouldn't confirm the wedding, it's evident that that the guest list will include Mary's mother and sisters (Dockery, from left, with Elizabeth McGovern, Laura Carmichael, and Jessica Brown Findlay). ''Like the proposal, you can't just go on and on and on with them not getting together,'' he says. ''There does come a moment when you think either they've got to put up or shut up.'' Hear, hear!
尽管大家不会确认婚礼,很明显客人名单将包括玛丽的母亲和姐妹(达科里,从左,伊丽莎白•麦戈文、劳拉•卡迈克尔以及杰西卡•布朗芬) 。“就像求婚,你只是不能继续容忍他们没有在一起,”他说 。“确实有某个时刻来当你认为他们要么提出要么闭嘴 。“听!听!
To outfit the bride-to-be, costume designer Caroline McCall spent eight weeks conceptualizing and creating the perfect gown: a long-sleeved lace dress fitted with tiny Swarovski crystals and rice pearls that would ultimately become the series' most expensive costume to date. ''Sometimes the character can be quite hard,'' says McCall of Lady Mary. ''I wanted her wedding dress to have a bit of softness. I wanted her to look really romantic, really elegant.''
来装扮这位准新娘,服装设计师卡罗琳•考尔花了八个星期构思和创造完美的礼服:长袖蕾丝裙配上小的施华洛世奇水晶和大米粒的珍珠,这最终将成为到目前为止这一系列剧中最昂贵的服装 。“有时候这个角色相当困难,”扮演玛丽的米歇尔•达科里说 。“我希望她的婚纱柔软一点 。我想让她看起来真的浪漫,真的优雅 。”