莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥深吻66岁牙套女 为新片牺牲色相
日期:2012-11-25 10:54
Leonardo DiCaprio was photographed on the set of his new movie in Brooklyn on Tuesday, sharing a smooch with a woman nearly three decades his senior.
In the photo, DiCaprio, 38, is locked in a passionate kiss with actress Joanna Lumley, 66, while filming The Wolf of Wall Street in Prospect Park.
我们可以从照片中看到,在展望公园拍摄新片《The Wolf of Wall Street》的38岁男星迪卡普里奥正在跟66岁的女演员Joanna Lumley深情相吻。
According to IMDB, the crime drama (out next year) is about a New York stockbroker and corruption on Wall Street. The film also stars Matthew McConaughey and Jonah Hill.
从IMDB网站上,我们了解到,这部罪案片(明年上映)讲述华尔街股票经纪人和腐败的故事。这部电影还有Matthew McConaughey 和 Jonah Hill的加盟。
