The Amazing Spider-Man, Sony Pictures' reboot of the comic book franchise, is already showing some superpower at the box office.
索尼影业(Sony Pictures)根据经典系列漫画改编的影片《超凡蜘蛛侠》(The Amazing Spider-Man)已经在票房收入方面彰显出巨大威力。
According to early estimates from Hollywood.com, Spider-Man, which stars Andrew Garfield, took in $35 million (including $7.5 million in midnight screenings) in its first day in theaters, breaking the record for a Tuesday opening set by Transformers, which earned $27,851,016 on July 3, 2007.
Sony《超凡蜘蛛侠》剧照据Hollywood.com初步估计,由加菲尔德(Andrew Garfield)主演的这部《超凡蜘蛛侠》上映首日的票房收入为3,500万美元(其中包括午夜场750万美元的收入)。这一成绩打破了《变形金刚》(Transformers)在2007年7月3日(当天是周二)首日上映时创造的27,851,016美元的纪录。
The first Spider-Man film, starring Tobey Maguire, was the first movie to break the $100 million for an opening, taking in $114,844,116 over the weekend of May 3, 2002.
由马奎尔(Tobey Maguire)主演的首部《蜘蛛侠》影片是第一部在上映首周末票房收入便突破1亿美元的影片。该片在2002年5月3日的那个周末吸金114,844,116美元。
The new Spidey has a long way to go to catch.The Avengers, which scored the biggest domestic opening weekend debut in box-office history in May, hauling in $200.3 million, according to Walt Disney Co., the company that distributed the The Marvel Studios film.
不过,新的《蜘蛛侠》系列影片想要超越《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)还有很长的路要走。据华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)透露,《复仇者联盟》在今年5月上映后的首个周末吸金2.003亿美元,是美国国内票房史上的最好成绩。《复仇者联盟》的拍摄方Marvel Studios的影片由迪士尼公司负责发行。