When 75-year-old P.K. Krishnamurthy went to Dr. V. Seetharaman's office, he complained about eye pain, irritation, and redness, from which he had been suffering for two weeks. The specialist was shocked to find a live, writhing 13-centimeter-long worm residing in the patient's eye. He whisked Krishnamurthy into surgery immediately.
75岁的P.K. Krishnamurthy来到V. Seetharaman医生的办公室,告诉医生这两周来自己的眼睛总是感到刺痛、红肿。检查之后医生惊讶地发现,Krishnamurthy的眼睛里竟然有条13厘米长且蠕动着的活虫,医生随即立刻让他接受手术。
Had Krishnamurthy not gone to the physician, the worm could have burrowed his way into the patient's brain, caused vision loss.
Dr. Seethamaran said that it was the length of the organism that was shocking. In fact, they have seen one other similar worm in a person's body. This parasite, however, was three centimeters in length. It was the first time in the physician's 30 year career that he had seen such a thing.
The procedure took fifteen minutes, and was surveyed by the patient's wife. The doctor made a small opening in the conjunctiva. The threadlike parasite stayed alive for thirty minutes, writhing and jumping around.
How did it get there? Dr. Seethamaran theorizes that the patient probably ate it in some improperly cooked or uncooked food, made its way into his blood stream from the intestine, and voyaged into his eye.
Krishnamurthy is reportedly doing well and should have a full recovery.