Chris Noth和妻子Tara Wilson
Chris Noth 一家在2010年的万圣节装束
Chris Noth 在《欲望都市》中的剧照
He has taken after his Sex and the City character Mr Big and avoided commitment for a long time. But just like Mr Big, Chris Noth eventually came to his senses. The 57-year-old actor last week married his long-term partner Tara Wilson, 30, in an intimate Hawaiian setting. The happy couple tied the knot in a sunset ceremony in Maui on April 6, according to the National Enquirer. The nuptials took place in a luxurious oceanfront estate on Makena Beach in front of just 10 people. Their four-year-old son Orion served as the ringbearer. A source told the National Enquirer: "Chris and Tara married in the most romantic way possible. Tara was beaming, and Chris had a smile on his face the entire time."
Chris Noth 因在《欲望都市》里饰演Mr. Big而被人们所熟知。近日,传出他与未婚妻Tara Wilson在夏威夷完婚的消息。现年57岁的Chris Noth与30岁的Tara Wilson在2002年相识,当时Tara在Chris经营的一家酒吧工作,2008年Tara生下儿子Orion,2009年10月两人订婚,长达10年的爱情长跑如今终于修成正果。