Can't step away from the BlackBerry? Leaving a work voicemail at 10 p.m.? You might be a workaholic. No surprises there.
But new research suggests that may not be a bad thing.
A paper out of the Rouen Business School in France says workaholism defined by work involvement, feelings of being compelled to work and work enjoyment can actually be constructive.
Associated Press你陷入过工作狂的状态吗?你为工作感到兴奋吗?法国鲁昂商学院(Rouen Business School)的一份研究报告说,工作狂──其界定因素包括对工作的投入程度、被强迫工作的感觉以及工作所带来的快感──实际上是积极的。
As long as the compulsion to work is self-driven, it can lead to personal feelings of accomplishment (I finished that project! I solved that accounting problem!) and benefit the organization (That project is finished ahead of schedule! Our clients think we're great!) according to Yehuda Baruch, the management professor behind the study.
参与这项研究的管理学教授耶胡迪•巴鲁(Yehuda Baruch)认为,只要工作的欲望是自发产生的,它就可以引发出个人的成就感(我完成了那个项目!我解决了那个财务问题!),也能让公司受益(那个项目比预定的时间提前完成了!我们的客户觉得我们很棒!)。
To be sure, many view workaholism as a destructive addiction that requires treatment, just like alcoholism and drug addiction, as the workaholic strays from the work-life balance equation accepted by most of society.
But many workaholics still feel balance in their lives, they just have a different work-to-'life' ratio than most.
In some ways, workaholism is like chocoholism, Baruch explains: Eating some chocolate on a regular basis can have health benefits and provides energy and satisfaction. Same with work for a workaholic they are energized by their work and feel good when succeeding at a task. Unless a chocoholic or workaholic is damaging their physical or mental health, Baruch says they should just be left to eat or work in peace.
However, workaholism is often confused with being over-worked. It's not just about the hours worked, says Baruch. The need for overtime pay, or a cruel boss, might force you to log long days. ('Horrible Bosses,' anyone?) And if you express too much enthusiasm about your work, a boss could take advantage of your willingness to work and ultimately make you feel over-worked. That's when stress a positive motivator turns into distress, he says.
不过,工作狂常常会与工作过度相混淆。巴鲁说,这不仅仅是工作时数的问题。你需要加班费,或者你有个冷酷的老板(《恶老板》(Horrible Bosses),有人看过这部电影吗?),这些都强迫你必须加班。如果你对工作表现得太过热情,你的老板可能会因为你工作自觉而占你的便宜,最终让你觉得工作过度。这时候,压力──一个积极的促进因素──就会转变为痛苦。
Readers: Where do you fall on a workaholism scale? Do you get a thrill out of work? Do you think that's healthy?