日期:2011-12-08 17:14




Elephant loading.





Nervous drivers (and their equally nervous passengers) beware! You should really prepare yourselves for the sight of Storseisundet Bridge in Norway. The road connection from the mainland Romsdal peninsula to the island of Romsdal county doesn't look as if it actually connects as you drive towards it. In fact it looks very much as if you are in for an icy bath as you plummet off its 73ft height. However, you will be relieved to hear that this is simply something of an optical illusion. The bridge is built in such a way that from a certain angle, as you approach, it looks as it is more diving board than bridge. Known locally as the drunk bridge it forms part of the Atlanterhavsveien or Atlantic Ocean Road in English and attracts many curious visitors.


爱紧张的司机和乘客要注意了!你们真应该看看这座挪威的Storseisundet大桥&x8[IhDNWPCMP*0B@,。这座横跨隆斯达半岛和隆斯达郡的大桥并不是像看上去的那样Z|Ych%3-kC.CQHIy。虽然,上了这座桥仿佛就会从73英尺高垂直掉落水中变成 只落汤鸡,但你一定听说过视觉误差这回事儿Y=+M1z]r)AA(8yI^H。这座大桥就是依据这一原理建造的,桥身拧成一定的角度,当你靠近,你会觉得车子就要悬空了fT,i2z7t*@|I(.*U8e。正因如此,当地人称这座桥为醉汉克星,而作为大 西洋之路或太平洋之路中的最闻名的桥梁之一,它可是深得观光游客的青睐C+yGu7xVQ3[T



This tent looks as though it has been pitched in the sky in a photograph that plays tricks on the eyes. Student Bjarke Bitsch pitched his tent so high up Mont Blanc — the highest mountain in the French Alps — that snow and clouds blended together in this shot. The 24-year-old from Aarhus in Denmark took the stunning photo during a three day— expedition to climb the peak in Chamonix, France. The image was captured near the summit, at a spot called Aiguille du Gouter, which has an altitude of 12,800 feet.


这座帐篷看上去就像架在云端,其实,这是一名名叫Bjarke Bitsch的学生将帐篷支在了法国的朗峰(阿尔卑斯山脉的最高峰)eQB3XKyWWdMn6ab。镜头中的雪地和天空中的白云混合形成了这一幕;QSZWSysc1i8-B79Q*o。这位24岁的小伙子来自 丹麦港口城市奥尔胡斯,这张图片是他在一次为期三天以夏蒙尼为目的地的登山旅行中拍摄的,拍摄地点靠近山峰的Aiguille du Gouter,海拔12,8000英尺=dj8iMd@h%UHLeb



For the sake of the strategical photographer, do you have a feeling of reversal?





Gazing sleepily into each other's eyes, it looks like the perfect friendship between boy and beast. There is, however, one barrier Harvey Evans, nine, and Kelabu the Sumatran Tiger have yet to break down.... an invisible pane of glass keeping them apart. Although Harvey appears to have got so close that he can pat the fearsome cat on the head, it is in fact an optical illusion created by a camera and a strategically placed hand.


两双凝望着的眼睛仿佛昭示着纯洁完美的友情-miX%xIuUCdD9-^。但事实上隔着Harvey Evans和这只名叫Kelabu的苏门答腊虎的护栏依然完好无损……一套隐形的玻璃护栏隔着他俩ca4dG&Wi.f。虽然这张照片看上去好像是Harvey在轻拍 小老虎的脑袋,但事实上,这是十九误差造成的假象,这还要对谢那台相机和这只调皮的小手A,[J1#(pHjr&j

  • summitn. 顶点;最高阶层 vi. 参加最高级会议,爬到最高点
  • expeditionn. 远征,探险队,迅速
  • reversaln. 翻转,倒转,反转
  • tentn. 帐篷 v. 住帐篷,宿营
  • plummetn. 铅锤,铅垂线 vi. 垂直落下,暴跌
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • fearsomeadj. 可怕的;害怕的;极大的
  • photographern. 摄影师
  • peninsulan. 半岛
  • panen. 窗玻璃,方框,方格 v. 嵌窗玻璃