Holding a Bachelors Degree in documentary filmmaking and photography from the University of Westminster, London, Ruth England has traveled the world recording wild adventures, natural phenomena, tribal societies,and exotic wildlife.As a successful TV journalist and photographer, Ruth has traversed the world from the wilds of Africa, to the jungles and mountains of Asia, to the frozen Arctic tundra.
露丝•英格兰从伦敦的威斯敏斯特大学获得电影制作和摄影的学士学位, 她正在环游世界并记录下这一切。她经历过野外冒险、部落社会,也看到过神奇的自然现象、珍奇的野生动物。作为一个成功的电视记者和摄影师, 露丝横越世界,像非洲的偏远地区, 亚洲山区丛林以及冷冻的北极苔原。
In Borneo, Ruth was adopted by the Iban tribe, who taught her to eat tadpole stew, and how to suck water snails from their shells. She's dangled from a cliff in Rwanda, holding onto nothing more than a machete blade, while being charged by a 450-pound silverback mountain gorilla. In South Africa, she was filmed at gunpoint; in Iceland, she's kayaked across volcanic lakes;and in the Alps of France,she rappelled down glacial crevices. Ruth has faced a herd of stampeding African elephants, gone swimming with sharks in Australia, and tracked tigers in Nepal. She says all these adventures were easy compared to being a Mom!
在婆罗洲, 露丝学会了传统部落的生活方式, 他们教她怎样吃炖肉, 以及如何从水蜗牛中吸水。她曾经在卢旺达的悬崖上吊着、只抓住一个弯刀的刀片, 同时被一只450磅重的白背山地大猩猩攻击。在南非,她在枪口的威胁下仍进行拍摄。在冰岛, 她乘着海洋独木舟穿过火山湖,在法国的阿尔卑斯山, 她沿着冰川的缝隙攀岩而下。露丝也曾面对一群愤怒的非洲象, 也在澳大利亚和鲨鱼一同游泳,在尼泊尔追踪老虎的痕迹。她说所有这些冒险很容易让自己有着妈妈一样的包容心!
Now, Ruth is about to embark on a documentary assignment that blows all of her past experiences away. For the first time, she's documenting the best survivalist she's ever met as they journey together into the unknown. And the tough as nails trekker going with her just happens to be...her husband.
现在, 露丝即将开始编辑她的纪录片, 她过去所有的经历。过去的经历很快的流逝了,但使她第一次觉得她是最好的生存者。和她一同经历这些未知之旅的人恰恰是……她的丈夫。