7 Must-Visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kyoto
Next to Tokyo, Kyoto is the second more popular city for tourists to visit, and it should be. Kyoto is considered among the first capitals dating back to 794AD and today it's become Japan's living cultural archives.
毗邻东京的京都,是日本第二大深受游客喜爱的城市,而且它实至名归 。京都被认为是公元794年时候的第一个首都,而今天京都已成为日本的活的文化档案 。
If you've come to see shrines and temples, you can't go wrong visiting Kyoto. This city has more than 1600 Buddhist temples and over 400 Shrine shrines. Regardless of how you spend your time exploring, it would be impossible to leave Kyoto without running into one. It would be impossible to see all of them given most people's itineraries, and honestly you shouldn't rush them because they are all beautiful in their own way and deserve ample time spent to appreciate them.
如果你要来看神殿和寺庙,那来京都一定不会错 。这里有超过1600座佛教寺庙和逾400座圣地神殿 。无论你如何分配你的旅行时间,来京都都应该至少参观这其中的一座 。鉴于大部分人的旅游活动日程,看过每一座寺庙似乎是不可能的,但说实话你不应该走马观花的看过这些寺庙,因为它们都有自己独特的美丽,值得你用充足的时间去欣赏 。
Here are 7 of the must-visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kyoto.
Kinkaku-ji is one of Kyoto's most popular tourist attractions, as it's well known across the world. Covered in gold leaf, the pavilion reflects brilliantly into the pond surrounding it.Whether you visit during the fall when there are red momiji leaves contrasting the gold, winter when the gold is topped with pure white snow, or on a clear day allowing you to see the beautiful temple's golden reflection– there is never a bad time to visit Kinkaku-ji.
因为其享誉世界的名气,金阁寺是京都最受欢迎的观光胜地之一 。覆盖着金箔的寺院倒影在周围的水面闪闪发亮 。无论你是在与金黄形成鲜明对比的红色秋天来参观,还是在金色被纯白的雪覆盖的冬天,抑或只是能让你欣赏金色倒影的普通的一天——每天都是游览金阁寺的好时节 。
The Silver Pavilion looks just like the Golden Pavilion, only it's silver. Or at least it was supposed to be. The plan was to cover the temple in silver foil, although that never came to fruition. Because of this, most people will say that when compared to Kinkaku-ji, Ginkaku-ji is nothing special, however, it's the gardens that make this place special.
银阁寺的外形看起来和金阁寺相似,只是它是银色的,或者至少应该是 。尽管从未成为现实,但原计划是要用银箔装饰银阁寺 。也正是因为这个,很多人会觉得相较于金阁寺,银阁寺并没有什么特别,只是这里的公元让它与众不同 。
Constructed in 1603 Nijo Castle may not resemble your typical castle as it's a single-story flatland castle, but that doesn't mean that it's not impressive. The rooms inside are all beautifully decorated with paintings and gold leaf, and feature traditional rice paper sliding doors and tatami mats.
建造于1603年的二条城城堡,可能和你印象中的城堡有出入,因为它是一栋一层楼的平地城堡,但这并不意味着它不令人印象深刻 。城堡内部的房间都装饰有漂亮的壁画和金箔,配有传统的宣纸滑动门和榻榻米 。
Located up on a mountain, Kiyomizu-dera is an impressive temple. The main hall is it's biggest attraction as it was built solely out of wood without a single nail. It's from the decks here that you can look out across much of Kyoto and it is a popular sunset destination as it casts a romantic silhouette of all the buildings. Just be prepared for the crowds.
坐落于山上的清水寺是是一个令人印象深刻的寺庙 。它的主厅最具吸引力,因为它完全由木头建成没用一个钉子 。从这里的甲板望去可以一窥京都的大部分风景,同时由于这里能投下所有建筑物的美丽轮廓,这里也是观看日落的好地方 。但是要对拥挤的人群做好心理准备 。
The world famous rock garden at Ryoan-ji is what draws most people to visit this popular Zen temple. Also called the Temple of the Dragon Peace, people come sit and contemplate the rock garden from the porch– sometimes for hours.
龙安寺有世界著名的岩石园,正是岩石园吸引了大部分游客来参观这座禅寺 。因为其名为龙安寺,有平安之意,人们会坐在门廊冥思——有时会长达几小时 。
In addition to the actual temple, which dates back to the Heian Period, To-ji contains buildings dating back to the 14th to 17th centuries. The Lecture Hall (Kodo) houses the oldest extant Esoteric Buddhist statues in all of Japan. Most people visit To-jo to see the five-tiered pagoda, which is considered a National Treasure, as it rises above the landscape as a symbol of Kyoto. With a height of 57 meters, it is the tallest pagoda in Japan.
除了可以追溯到安然时代的实际的寺庙,东寺包含有很多可以追溯到14~17世纪的建筑 。演讲厅存放了日本所有现存最古老的神秘的佛教雕像 。很多人来东寺就是为了一睹被视为国宝的五层浮屠,因为它作为京都的象征,意义远超一般的风景 。57米高的浮屠是日本最高的塔 。
Tenryu-ji Temple is the first-ranked of the "Five Great Zen Temples" of Kyoto. It was established in 1339 by Shogun Ashikaga Takauji on the site of the Kameyama Detached Palace, for the purpose of consoling the spirit of Emperor Go-Daigo.
天龙寺是京都"五大禅寺庙"之首 。它由幕府将军于1339年在龟山离宫建立,目的是为了祭奠后醍醐天皇 。