What's a beluga whale's favourite trick? Blowing bubbles that look like a halo.白鲸的最爱把戏是什么?吹光环泡泡。This whale has become a sensation at an aquarium after learning how to blow halo-shaped bubbles. 在学会如何吹出光环状的泡泡后,这头白鲸很快成为了水族馆的名人。The 10-year-old beluga has perfected the technique over the last three years and now stuns visitors with her unique talent.这头十岁的白鲸三年来一直为众多游客表演这一特技,也因其才能吸引了众多关注。
She uses her mouth to blow the water to make a current, then her blow hole to break the current into a ring shape. 她会用嘴吹出一个气泡,然后用喷气孔将气泡吹成圆环。The extraordinary spectacle was captured on camera by photographer Hiroya Minakuchi at the Shimane aquarium in Japan.摄影师Hiroya Minakuchi在日本岛根县水族馆用相机捕捉到了这一非凡的景象。
The 58-year-old, from Osaka, is the only person outside the aquarium who is allowed to dive with the belugas. 今年58岁大阪摄影师是唯一一个被允许跟白鲸共泳的水族馆外人员。He said: 'This beluga started making bubble rings when she was seven. And a couple of years ago she developed her technique.他说:“这头白鲸从7岁开始就会吹泡泡环。几年之后她就发展出了这个技术。”'I believe it is just a lot of fun for her. Since she developed this new game she often performs it for visitors.' He added: 'I am the only person outside of the aquarium who can dive with the belugas so this kind of photograph is very rare.'“我相信对她而言这非常有趣。自从发展了这一新游戏后,她就一直为游客表演。”他补充道,“我是唯一被允许与她共泳的水族馆外人士,因此这种照片是非常罕见的。”