It appears the secret of a man's attractiveness to the opposite sex lies in his hands. Men whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers are seen as better bets by women, a study found. By contrast those seen as wimpier sorts will have longer index fingers.
British, French and Swiss researchers photographed 49 young men and measured the length of their ring and index fingers. They then showed a group of women the photos and asked them to rate the men's looks.Those whose ring fingers were longer than their index fingers were more likely to win the women's approval. They were seen as good prospects for both a fling and a long-term relationship.
Stirling University researcher Craig Roberts said exposure to testosterone in the womb likely affects facial structure as well as finger length. Having a long ring finger confers a host of other benefits. For instance, scientists believe the longer a man's ring finger is compared to his index finger, the richer he is likely to be. They claim he is also likely to be a promiscuous, extroverted go-getter with strong muscles and has a greater likelihood of playing a musical instrument.
Unfortunately such men also have a higher chance of ending up in prison, being murdered or going mad.