She's been with you for a long time.
你们已相恋很长一段时间 。
If you've been together for a long, long time, chances are, your gal is not going anywhere any time soon. FYI: once we get attached to something (like a boyfriend), we never want to let go. Familiarity and comfort are EVERYTHING for the women who enjoy relationships.
如果你们在一起很久很久了,那么很有可能你女朋友会一直陪你左右 。顺便说一句:一旦喜欢上某个东西(比如说男朋友),我们是永远不会放手的 。谈恋爱时,女生觉得熟悉和舒坦最为重要 。
She goes above and beyond.
她对你特别好 。
She's constantly showering you with affection just to show you how much she cares. She wants to be treated like a princess, yes - more than that, though, she wants to treat you like royalty, too.
她不断的向你表露感情,只是为了告诉你她很关心你 。她希望你能像对待公主一样对待她,是的——但不仅如此,她也会像对待皇室一般对待你 。
You're part of her circle.
你融入了她的圈子 。
Her mom adores you; you have her best friend's stamp of approval. If you're right for her, it'll show in ALL of her relationships . . . giving her more incentive to stick around.
她的妈妈喜欢你;她的闺蜜也认同你 。如果她认定了你,那一定可以从她身边人看出来……她会更有动力的粘你 。
She's vocal about her feelings and desires.
她对自己的感情和欲望直言不讳 。
If she tells you what she wants and when she wants it (i.e. "I think we should consider moving in together within the next year"), this lady is pretty damn serious about you, and she wants you to know.
如果她告诉你她想要什么以及什么时候想要时(比如:“要不咱们考虑明年同居”),那她对你一定是认真的,她想让你知道 。
She imagines a future with you.
她会想象有你的未来 。
If she's got a list of baby names going on her iPhone notes, she's undoubtedly picturing a future with you, however distant. Or maybe she's researching how to decorate your next apartment (see above), or she's pinning engagement rings on her Pinterest board. No matter the case, she's definitely imagining a long life with you by her side.
如果她的iPhone记录簿上有一长串宝宝的名字,那毫无疑问,她一定在想象和你的未来,不管这个未来有多么遥远 。或者她正在研究该如何装饰你们的新公寓(见上),又或者她在Pinterest(社交软件)上用图钉将订婚戒指钉在板上 。无论是哪种情况,她都一定在幻想有你陪伴左右的未来 。
She's not afraid to tell you the truth.
她不害怕和你说实话 。
She tells you when you're getting on her nerves, when she's feeling sad, and the reason she gets jealous once in a while. She tells you about her childhood, her hopes and dreams, and her thoughts on the things that matter in the world. She only opens up with the ones she knows are going to stick around - and she's going to stay, too.
她会告诉你她什么时候生你气、什么时候难过、偶尔也会说一说自己吃醋的理由 。她会和你说她的童年趣事、她的希望和梦想、以及她对天下大事的想法 。她明白有些人会一直陪伴左右,她也只对这些人敞开心扉——当然,她也会和你一起留下来 。
Her love is unconditional.
她的爱毫无条件 。
She lets you know how much she loves you every single day, and yes, "forever" is part of her vocabulary. When you get in fights - including the really big, ugly ones - she still reminds you that you are, and always will be, the one. What more affirmation could you need?
每一天她都会告诉你她有多爱你,是的 。“永远”是她常挂嘴边的一句话 。你们吵架时——包括吵得面红耳赤的时候——她仍然会告诉你你现在是也将一直都是她的挚爱 。你还需要什么其它肯定呢?