Practicing on a Computer
If you were training for a serious bike race in the mountains, would you practice only by bik-ing on the streets? I hope not The air is different The terrain is different Yeah, I bet you’dpractice in the mountains
Using a compiler to practice interview questions is like this - and you’ve basically been bikingon the streets your entire life Put away the compiler and get out the old pen and paper Usea compiler only to verify your solutions
Not Rehearsing Behavioral Questions
Many candidates spend all their time prepping for technical questions and overlook the behavioral questions Guess what? Your interviewer is judging those too! And, not only that- your performance on behavioral questions might bias your interviewer’s perception of your technical performance Behavioral prep is relatively easy and well-worth your time Lookingover your projects and positions and think of the key stories Rehearse the stories Seepg 29 for more details
Not Doing a Mock Interview
Imagine you’re preparing for a big speech Your whole school, or company, or whatever willbe there Your future depends on this And all you do to prepare is read the speech to your-self Silently In your head Crazy, right? Not doing a mock interview to prepare for your real interview is just like this If you’re anengineer, you must know other engineers Grab a buddy and ask him/her to do a mockinterview for you You can even return the favor!
Trying to Memorize Solutions
Quality beats quantity Try to struggle through and solve questions yourself; don’t flip di-rectly to the solutions when you get stuck Memorizing how to solve specific problem isn’tgoing to help you much in an interview Real preparation is about learning how to approachnew problems
Talking Too Much
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked candidates a simple question like “what was thehardest bug on Project Pod?”, only to have them ramble on and on about things I don’t understand Five minutes later, when they finally come up for air, I’ve learned nothing - exceptthat they’re a poor communicator When asked a question, break your answer into three parts (Situation / Action / Response, Issue 1 / Issue 2 / Issue 3, etc) and speak for just a couple sentences about each If I want more details, I’ll ask!
Talking Too Little
Psst - let me tell you a secret: I don’t know what’s going on in your head So if you aren’t talk-ing, I don’t know what you’re thinking If you don’t talk for a long time, I’ll assume that youaren’t making any progress Speak up often, and try to talk your way through a solution This shows your interviewer that you’re tackling the problem and aren’t stuck And it lets them guide you when you get off-track, helping you get to the answer faster And it shows yourawesome communication skills What’s not to love?
Coding is not a race, and neither is interviewing Take your time in a coding problem - don’trush! Rushing leads to mistakes, and reveals you to be careless Go slowly and methodically,testing often and thinking through the problem thoroughly You’ll finish the problem in lesstime in the end, and with fewer mistakes
Not Debugging
Would you ever write code and not run it or test it? I would hope not! So why do that in aninterview? When you finish writing code in an interview, “run” (or walk through) the code totest it Or, on more complicated problems, test the code while writing it
Sloppy Coding
Did you know that you can write bug-free code while still doing horribly on a coding question? It’s true! Duplicated code, messy data structures (i e , lack of object oriented design),etc Bad, bad, bad! When you write code, imagine you’re writing for real-world maintain-ability Break code into sub-routines, and design data structures to link appropriate data
Giving Up
Have you ever taken a computer adaptive test? These are tests that give you harder ques-tions the better you do Take it from me - they’re not fun Regardless of how well you’re actually doing, you suddenly find yourself stumbling through problems Yikes!
Interviewing is sort of like this If you whiz through the easy problems, you’re going to getmore and harder problems Or, the questions might have just started out hard to begin with!Either way, struggling on a question does not mean that you’re doing badly So Don’t give up or get discouraged You’re doing great!