Hello Kitty, introduced on a vinyl coin purse in 1974, became an instant phenomenon in Japan, and sales at Sanrio grew sevenfold in the cat’s first three years. But even then Sanrio’s founder and president, Shintaro Tsuji, expressed nervousness that consumers would burn out on the brand. Sanrio’s sales tapered off in the late 1970s, and then again in the mid-1990s when Japan entered a long economic slump.

1974年,Hello Kitty的形象最初出现在塑料钱包上,转瞬之间就风靡全日本。面世的头三年,Sanrio公司的销售额增加了7倍。Sanrio的创始人兼主席辻信太郎(Shintaro Tsuji)当时就很担心,怕消费者的热情来也快去也快。70年代末,Sanrio的销售额曾一度跌至低谷,而到了日本经济衰退的90年代中期,其销售额又再次下滑。

But around 2000, Kitty surprised Sanrio by rebounding in a big way, with Hollywood stars wearing the cat on T-shirts and carrying Hello Kitty bags.

但在2000年左右,Hello Kitty又出现了令Sanrio都感到意外的强势反弹,当时好莱坞的明星也穿着Hello Kitty的T恤,用印着Hello Kitty的包。

“But when you have a boom, you have a bust,” said Mr. Shichijo, the professor. “People get sick of it. Now Sanrio’s in trouble.”


Sanrio has tried to keep Hello Kitty up to the times: sensing a move away from Japan’s love affair with the cute, or “kawaii” aesthetic, it has pushed an edgier look for the cat in the last three years, using as much black as pink.

Sanrio也尝试过让Hello Kitty跟上时代潮流,比如说,在过去三年里,Sanrio在设计时已经减少了一些日本人所偏爱的“卡哇伊”的成分,多用黑色,就像以往使用粉色一样频繁,这样就使得Kitty猫的形象更加出位。

Still, a sense of crisis is evident at the Tokyo offices of Sanrio, where 30 designers, led by Ms. Yamaguchi, are charged with developing new characters. At periodic product meetings, each designer presents as many as 20 characters for consideration by Ms. Yamaguchi. Of those, perhaps a dozen are chosen for trial sales at a pilot Sanrio store in Tokyo.


These days, designers are also urged to make sure their characters work across multiple media — a lesson Sanrio learned the hard way with Hello Kitty. Because Kitty had no mouth, it was difficult for the cat to break into television animation, depriving Sanrio of a lucrative source of revenue.

Sanrio还要求设计者们构思新形象时,能够确保新形象可以通过多种媒体进行推广——这是Sanrio在Hello Kitty身上吸取的教训。Kitty猫没有嘴巴,不能说话,也就与电视动画无缘,从而断了Sanrio公司的一条重要财路

When the company created a talking Kitty for a pilot cartoon series, it set off a fury among fans loyal to the cat’s mouthless look, Ms. Yamaguchi said.


And though Sanrio goes to great length to create back stories for its characters — Kitty, for example, was born in London and likes to eat cookies — that biography is not compelling enough to draw many fans, according to analysts, who cite weak characterization as a drawback in Sanrio’s product lines.


Characters developed by Walt Disney, in contrast, typically make their debuts in blockbuster movies that propel them to fame and provide a springboard for further storytelling. The hit Disney animated film “Lilo & Stitch,” for example, which featured a Hawaiian girl and an alien friend, made a successful transition to a television series, all the while bringing merchandising and licensing income to Disney.


In fact, “Lilo & Stitch” has been so popular even in Japan that the series has been localized — with a Japanese girl named Yuna in place of Lilo and Okinawa replacing the Hawaiian setting.


Sanrio’s designers are also told to aim their new characters at children in elementary school or younger — even if much of the marketing, especially in Japan, will be aimed at older consumers. When younger children embrace a character, many tend to remain fans even later in life, said Miyuki Okumura, the lead designer behind the Jewelpet series. “If a character captures the heart of a little girl, she’s going to love that character into her teens, at least,” Ms. Okumura said. “Then when she has children, she’ll again buy that character for them,” she said. “That’s what we’re aiming for.”

Sanrio要求设计师们将受众集中在小学生甚至更低龄儿童身上——尽管日本的主要消费群体比他们要年长。宝石宠物系列的首席设计师奥村美雪(Miyuki Orumura)认为,年幼的孩子如果喜欢某个卡通形象,以后也会一直喜欢下去。“如果一个人小女孩的时候喜欢上某个卡通形象,她至少直到少女时代也会对这个形象厚爱有加的。”奥村说道,“等她有了孩子,她还会给自己的孩子买同样的卡通产品,而这正是我们所希望的。”