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I hate sales shopping: there is no pleasure to be had in finding things reduced to a fraction of the full price I paid four months previously (especially when that same unworn item is still swinging its full-price ticket in my wardrobe). No, the only good thing about a sale is that it announces a new season — and the only ones I like, therefore, are those in which the sales racks sit alongside rails of shiny, previously unseen stock.
When I say unseen, I mean exactly that. Many of the clothes in store now have neither graced a catwalk nor featured in much editorial. Slightly more commercial and often less expensive than their catwalk counterparts, these are the pre-collections: the pearls of the fashion cycle.
There are two “pre” collections; pre-fall will trickle in store from now until September, when the clothes will be joined by the more familiar autumn pieces (seen on catwalks in February). The other “pre” collection (confusingly known as resort, or cruise) goes into shops from November in advance of the spring collections. Pre-collections are a different beast from the main shows: the palette and cut are sober; the clothes are less distinctive; the styles more subtle. They are typically more wearable. No surprise, then, that they today account for 70-80 per cent of a house’s annual sales; the vast majority of a label’s turnover.
Considering the financial might of these collections, one would be forgiven for wondering why we even bother with seasonal fashion shows. It seems a bizarre irony that most of the clothes we buy have nothing to do with what we see on the catwalk. So is the fashion show redundant?
Most fashion insiders insist there is no other option. Financially, the show is still the best forum for buyers to gauge the heat of a design house before they make their orders. Editorially, a fashion week is still the best arena in which to maximise media attention. And, creatively, the show is still held as being the most pure distillation of a designer’s vision.
Hence, the pre-collections exist to do fashion’s donkey work, just like those great character actors who crop up in dramas starring bigger household names: never out of work, barely recognised and terrifically good value.
但此一时、彼一时也。Miu Miu如今在巴黎推出自己的resort季前系列,算是拉上了非正式“时装季”(越来越多的季前系列亮相于T型台)的帷幕。过去六周里,香奈儿(Chanel)、古驰(Gucci)、路易威登(Louis Vuitton)和迪奥(Dior)分别在韩国、纽约、美国加州棕榈泉(Palm Springs)以及法国戛纳举办了季前秀场,更绝的是:J•W•安德森(JW Anderson)在英国剑桥艺术馆、已故馆长吉姆•伊德(Jim Ede)的故居Kettle’s Yard举办了季前秀。这些季前秀往往会同台举办多场其它品牌的发布会,更多关注是否成系列。与此同时,各种季前系列层出不穷地推出。曾几何时,它们的款式屈指可数,如今俨然已是“千军万马”之势————往往有成百上千种款式。过去一年中,时尚界的“丑小鸭”已蜕变成时尚宠儿,各种季前秀把时装秀档期安排得满满当当。
But things are changing. Next Saturday, Miu Miu will present its resort collection, in Paris, drawing to a close an unofficial “season” in which pre-collections are increasingly being staged. In the past six weeks, Chanel has shown in Korea, Gucci in New York, Louis Vuitton in Palm Springs, Dior in Cannes and, rather wonderfully, JW Anderson in Kettle’s Yard, the Cambridge gallery and former home of the late curator Jim Ede. These have been accompanied by myriad other presentations to put more focus on the lines. At the same time, the collections are mushrooming. Where once they amounted to a few looks, they are now massive — often numbering hundreds of pieces. Over the past year, the fashion donkey has metamorphosed into show pony, and the fashion calendar become an endless carousel of shows.
Chief executives claim these off-schedule shows focus attention on the label outside the noise of fashion week. And I think it’s terrific there are so many new things to buy. But what do the designers — many of whom are now looking at a minimum of six collections a year — make of this hamster-wheel rate of productivity?
“这让人心力交瘁。”在自己门店举行季前秀的设计师罗兰•穆雷(Roland Mouret)说。“太疯狂了。”来自奥斯卡•德拉伦塔(Oscar De La Renta)的设计师彼得•柯平(Peter Copping)补充道。“工作量超人。”维多利亚•贝克汉姆(Victoria Beckham)一边带我参观她伦敦芒特街(Mount Street)门店的季前装、一边对我说。维多利亚•贝克汉姆还推出了价格便宜点的二线品牌Victoria,她先费尽心思预选出约500件,然后逐步淘汰,直到选出自己最心仪的款式:“我们店面空间有限。”对于那些未上架的衣服,她这样解释道。季前装通常两次交付,所以新货往往每三个月上架一次,这与繁华商业街的店铺并无二致。
“It’s exhausting,” said Roland Mouret at his store presentation. “It’s crazy,” added Peter Copping, of Oscar de la Renta. “It’s a lot of work,” said Victoria Beckham as she walked me through her pre-collection at her London Mount Street store. Beckham, who also offers a broad diffusion line (Victoria, by Victoria Beckham) had wrestled with an estimated 500-piece edit before whittling it down to her favourite looks: “We ran out of space,” she said of the clothes she had kept back. The collection will be delivered in two lots, so new stock will arrive in store every two months, not unlike the high street.
As yet, she has avoided staging a resort show. But watch this space. Fairground prints were a recurring motif throughout her collection. It even had a hint of show pony . . .