“Sex and the City” it ain’t. “DwellingNarrowness”, a hit TV series about the strugglesof two sisters to make it in a dynamicmetropolismodeledon Shanghai, focuses on a decidedly less glamorousaspect of life in the big city: rising propertyprices, and they havocthis wreakson youthful ambitions.
Its subject matter concerns “House Slaves”, people enslavedto their mortgagesthe “Little Third”, the “other woman,” and in this case the typically much younger woman in an extramaritalaffair; and so on.
A popular line from the show is that “the speed of rising prices always outpacessavings” meaning that today's housing prices are throwing this generation into debt instead of saving like their parents did. Another quote from the show that hits close to home for many Shanghairen is, “To buy an apartment in Shanghai, you dig a tomb for yourself, then bury your love.” That is the exchange one sister in the show makes: get an apartment but give up her true love.
Dwelling Narrowness蜗居
house slaves房奴 people enslaved to their
Little Third小三 the “other woman,” and in this case the typically much younger woman in an extramarital affair
The speed of rising prices always outpaces savings.
To buy an apartment in Shanghai, you dig a tomb for yourself, then bury your love.